Lara Zuk

Lara Zuk

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Lara Zuk

Hometown: Lake Zurich, Ill

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Studio Art

Minors: Biology and Photography

Social Media Handle: @lc_zuk

                                Lara is a sophomore

Lara's Video                                                              

I found out about CCU through my cousin. She was a freshman here when she told me I should apply because of how great it was. At first, I was a little hesitant because I did not want to follow in her footsteps but I quickly figured out that would not be the case. I toured several schools before CCU, and they just weren’t for me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, until I toured here. My first thought when driving up to the campus was how gorgeous it looked. Each person I talked to was very welcoming and sweet.

After my tour, I went and talked to the head of the Department of Visual Arts at the time and it was an extra push for me to come here. We talked for a long time about the path I wanted to take in life and how CCU and the art department could get me there. To every other school I was just another number but here I am a person. Aside from the fact that CCU had programs I wanted to be a part of, CCU was so welcoming and took the time to get to know me – that was what really drove me to come here.

My experience here has been great. I have met so many great people, I love my classes and I love my job. Working as a student photographer for the University is amazing and definitely one of the highlights of my freshman year. The people I have met through it and those I work with are incredible. I can’t imagine going anywhere else.

Lara is a studio art major

Meet Lara

Favorite professor: Logan Woodle

Favorite class: Sculpture (ARTS 208)

Campus Involvement (organizations, activities, etc.): I am a student photographer for University Marketing and Communication.

Favorite trait of #CCU: The welcoming environment

Favorite Netflix series: Friends

Favorite charitable cause: Wounded Warrior Project

Item you would bring to a deserted island: My camera

Dream job:  National Geographic photographer or Chicago Blackhawks photographer

Favorite Southern food: Fried chicken

Motivating factor in life: My family and success

Favorite quote:  “You don’t take a photograph. You make it.” – Ansel Adams and/or “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin

Lara is a student photographer for University Marketing and Communication