Lindsey Hanks

Lindsey Hanks

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Lindsey Hanks                                                                 

Hometown: Roanoke, Va.

Year in School: Junior                                                   

Major: Health Communication


Lindsey is a health communication major.

Lindsey's Video

Lindsey Hanks says the word that describes her best is passionate. She is telling the truth, this junior from Roanoke, Va., is motivated and excited about many different facets of her life. First off there is her school. Lindsey sums up her love for Coastal Carolina by remarking, “Everybody here (faculty and staff) wants what is best for the students. I can tell they really care about me.”

Then you have her school work and friends. A dedicated student, Lindsey takes her academics very seriously. With the dream to one day work in public relations for a hospital or healthcare organization, she wants to attend graduate school first. Of course this makes her undergraduate work at Coastal Carolina crucial for her future. But don’t think her commitment to class keeps her away from her peers. If you know Lindsey, you have a good idea how popular she is on campus. While she has developed friendships with a wide range of Coastal students, Lindsey’s deepest bonds are with her sorority sisters. A member of Sigma Sigma Sigma, she won’t hold back explaining how passionate she is to be part of it.

But do you really want to talk about passion? Then ask Lindsey about the philanthropic work she does. Through her sorority, Lindsey is closely involved with the March of Dimes. The opportunity she has to help with the organization’s mission is something she does with enthusiasm and compassion.

A student with a variety of interests, a positive attitude and a heavy dose of passion, Lindsey Hanks embodies what it means to Feel the Teal. 

Lindsey's favorite professor is Kyle Holody.
Lindsey is a junior.

Q&A with Lindsey:

How did you hear about Coastal?: I had vacationed in Myrtle Beach since I was an infant, and every time we would come into town, we would pass Coastal on 544. My parents always pointed out how pretty the campus was, and when the time came to apply to college, of course I had to apply to the school I passed by for so many years.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I loved the school spirit Coastal embodied from the second I set foot on campus. I wanted to be a part of something like that.

Favorite professor: Kyle Holody, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Intro to Health Communication

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The people. You can tell that the faculty and staff really care about the students and want them to feel comfortable and welcome here. Everyone takes great pride in what they do and I can really appreciate that.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: There is always something to do. You can get great food just about anywhere, and there are a ton of different attractions around the Myrtle Beach area you can go to. I also really like the small town feel of downtown Conway.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, Upsilon Eta chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, Wally Pond Social Norms Campaign.

Plans after graduation?:  After I graduate from CCU, I hope to go to grad school and then eventually work in the marketing/PR department of a hospital or healthcare organization.

What are your hobbies?: Writing, reading, watching plays and musicals, going to the movies, dancing (really poorly).

Do you have any hidden talents?: I played alto saxophone for seven years, guitar for four years and piano for three years. But I remember saxophone the most.

Bonus Info: I had scoliosis when I was younger and I had to get surgery when I was in 7th grade. Now I have a straight spine but I also have two metal rods in my back that set off all metal detectors.