Lindsey Stang

Lindsey Stang

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Lindsey Stang

Hometown: Springfield, Va.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Intelligence and National Security                                          

Lindsey is from Springfield, Va.

Lindsey's Video

Here is a question: How does a competitive gymnast become a quidditch player?

Well, you will have to ask junior intelligence and national security student Lindsey Stang, president of the CCU Quidditch Club.

“I joined the team my freshman year which was really odd because I had no clue what it was, how to play it, or even that it was part of Harry Potter,” Lindsey explains.

To say that branching out and trying something new so early in her college experience was a good move is an understatement. Becoming involved with quidditch has provided Lindsey with her closest friends, a leadership position and a way to fuel her competitive nature. It has also given her confidence that has extended beyond the pitch.

“CCU has really given me opportunities to get into leadership roles and get out of my comfort zone,” Lindsey says.

Besides running point for the CCU Quidditch Club, Lindsey works for University Recreation as a lifeguard. She also doubles as an auditor, testing University Recreation employees on their CPR and first aid skills. She is passionate about the intelligence and national security program, praising Coastal Carolina for offering such a unique major. Describing herself as driven, Lindsey plans to use her academic background and concern for others to one day work for the Department of Justice.

“Growing up as a kid, I always wanted to have a career that I would really enjoy,” says Lindsey. “Working for the Department of Justice would let me do that but also allow me to help people who can’t help themselves.”


Lindsey is a junior

Q&A with Lindsey

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal through my high school guidance counselor. 

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because of the intelligence and national security major.  No other school in Virginia offered anything like the program here and I am very interested in the subject matter and entering a related career after graduation.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor is Susan Bergeron, Ph.D., in the geography department.  She has taught most of the classes I have taken for my GIS minor. In all of her classes, she makes learning and using the mapping software interesting and understandable.  She always has an interesting story about a real world application to what we are learning which makes learning about GIS fun. 

Favorite class: My favorite class is the political science class Women in Public Policy.  We always discuss current issues that most of the class can relate to happening in the world today.  This class has really helped to advance my political knowledge and grow as a member of the electorate.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of Coastal is that class sizes are relatively small.  Each class has a limited number of students, so professors can be more hands on and get to know every student.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I like living in the Myrtle Beach area because there is so much to do.  Because it is a tourist destination, there is always something for my group of friends to do during the day or at night. 

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I have been a member of the Coastal Club Quidditch Team since my freshman year.  This past year I have served as the club’s president.  Being on the team has led me to meet some of my closest friends here at Coastal.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I currently work for University Recreation as a lifeguard and an auditor.  As an auditor, I go around to other departments within University Recreation and test employees on their CPR and first aid skills.  I also teach CPR and lifeguarding classes at Coastal.

Plans after graduation?:  After graduation, I plan to move back to the Washington, D.C., area and start a career working for the federal government.     

What are your hobbies?: In my free time I like to watch hockey and baseball.  I also enjoy sitting outside in the sun and listening to music.

Do you have any hidden talents?: Cooking


Lindsey enjoys quidditch