Lizzy Mottola

Lizzy Mottola

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Name:  Elizabeth "Lizzy" Mottola   

Hometown: Little River, S.C.

Year in School: Freshman               

Major:  Public Health


Elizabeth is a psychology major.


Lizzy's Video

Elizabeth “Lizzy” Mottola has a passion for medicine and a goal to attend medical school. She decided that her first major step toward achieving her dream would be to earn her public health degree at Coastal Carolina University. With one semester as a Chanticleer in the books, her college career is off to a great start.

Lizzy points to the “diversity and different opportunities” offered at Coastal for her successful first semester. She also says that meeting a group of new friends also made her CCU debut a memorable one. Lizzy’s love for medicine comes from its “expanding and growing” nature but she has other interests too. Writing, reading and listening to music are all hobbies that she enjoys partaking in, sometimes alone. Although she has met many new people since arriving on campus, she never takes for granted the opportunity to spend a few moments in solitude.

If nothing else, remember this about Lizzy: she is compassionate. If she can boost the mood of someone who is having a bad day, she will do whatever it takes, even to the point of absorbing the other person’s pain. We are thrilled that Lizzy’s Chanticleer journey is just beginning.

Lizzy Mottola

Elizabeth is a freshman
Elizabeth is from Little River, S.C.

Q&A with Lizzy

How did you hear about Coastal?: My mom told me about the school when we were searching for schools online and we ended up driving by whenever we were on 501.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I fell in love with the campus and I loved the list of majors they offered.

Favorite professor: I don’t have a specific one at this moment.

Favorite class: Psychology

Favorite aspect of Coastal? My favorite aspect of Coastal would have to be the diversity.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being able to go to the beach

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am involved with CRU.

Plans after graduation?: I would like to attend medical school at  Medical University of South Carolina.

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy playing the piano, writing poems, listening to music, reading, hiking and playing with puppies.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am able to sing

Bonus Info: I really enjoy my alone time and I find solace in studying and drinking coffee by myself.