Madison Wolf

Madison Wolf

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Madison Wolf                                    

Hometown: Boulder, Colo.

Year in School: Junior                                   

Major: Economics


Madison is from Boulder, Colo.

Madison's Video

Arriving at Coastal from the other side of the country, Madison Wolf decided she wanted to leave mountainous Colorado for the beaches of the Grand Strand area. Of course the terrain was just a small part of it. Madison helped her older sister move to the area when she enrolled at Coastal Carolina for graduate school and when the younger Wolf returned back west, CCU had already left a positive impression on her. When the time came for Madison to make her own college choice, she selected Coastal over an in-state college back home.

It didn’t take long for Madison to realize she made a good choice. Noting the “small, included feel of the school,” she quickly started making connections and taking advantage of opportunities. One such opportunity seized by Madison was applying for the prestigious Wall Fellows program. She was accepted and even though the program can be very demanding, Madison saw the many benefits.

“The networking opportunities and the doors it opens up,” Madison responds when asked why she would recommend the program.  

An academic tutor for the Wall Center for Excellence, Madison cares about educating others, explaining that it is crucial to explain a concept in a way that makes sense to the person being tutored as opposed to just the tutor herself. A patient and determined individual, Madison has both the intelligence to succeed and the compassion to keep her humble once she makes a splash in the professional world. 

Madison is a Wall Fellow.
Madison wants to pursue graduate school after graduating from Coastal.

Q&A with Madison

How did you hear about Coastal?:  My older sister got her MBA here and I helped her move in.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I was deciding between Coastal and a school in Colorado. Eventually I decided I wanted the experience of living away from home and at the beach of course.

Favorite professor: Ms. Gina Cummings (Wall Fellow director)

Favorite class: My favorite class I am in currently is Intermediate Macro Theory (ECON 301)

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The small class sizes and personal involvement of professors.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Close to the beach, and close to some family in Raleigh, N.C.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: The Wall Fellows program, Beta Gamma Sigma, Student Executive Leaders

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am an academic tutor in the Wall Center for Excellence.

Plans after graduation?: I know I will continue my education with graduate school, but I am not sure where yet.

What are your hobbies?: I love camping, hiking, and biking; pretty much anything outside.