Matthew Welch

Matthew Welch

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Name: Matthew Welch                                                                                                

Hometown: Columbia, S.C.

Year in School: Senior                                                   

Major: Accounting


 ‌Matthew will graduate in three years.

Matthew's Video

Once Friday rolls around later this week, Matthew Welch will be able to take a breath; at least for a moment or two. After taking six classes per semester since arriving at Coastal, Matthew will enjoy the reward of his labor as he graduates in just three years. The accounting major admits the workload was grueling but that it was worth it.

Pointing out that CCU has given him “an education that will be worth something,” Matthew is proud of his accounting degree and is already putting it to use as a bookkeeper for a company in his hometown of Columbia, S.C. But Matthew sees a bigger purpose for himself past the business world. After helping to oversee the sale of the company he is working for, Matthew plans to become a commissioned officer in the Air Force, opting to give back to his country as opposed to spending his first several young professional years working in an accounting office.

Don’t worry about the transition for Matthew. Just like at Coastal, he will prosper by working extremely hard. His charismatic personality will also follow him.

“I feel like most of the conversations I have with people open them up to me a lot,” Matthew explains. “I think it is the energy and vibe that I give off. It has afforded me a lot of opportunities that I am sure I would not have gotten if I would have been a closed-off person.”

Calling himself a “resilient” individual, his body of work at CCU combined with his resiliency will take him far both in the military and life in general. Enjoy commencement, Matthew.

Matthew is from Columbia, S.C.
Matthew enjoys playing intramural sports.

Q&A with Matthew

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal Carolina University through a family friend.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I decided to come to Coastal because of the intimate class settings and the Wall College of Business program.

Favorite professor: My favorite professors at the school are Robert Burney, Ph.D., Gregory Krippel, Ph.D., and Philip Njorge, Ph.D.

Favorite class: My favorite class that I have taken at CCU so far is my capstone class, Finance 491 Advanced Corporate Finance.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of CCU is definitely the weather.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area is the tourist feel of the city and fact that the beach is so close to the college.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I was involved in flag football and basketball intramural sports all throughout college.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I currently work off campus in Columbia, S.C., for Phoenix Landscaping Company as a bookkeeper.

Plans after graduation?: My plan after graduation is to become a commissioned officer in the Air Force.               

What are your hobbies?: My hobbies are playing basketball, being with family and listening to music.

Do you have any hidden talents?: If I had to name any type of hidden talent I would note the fact that I pretty much know every song in my phone by heart. Lyric for Lyric.

Bonus Info: If I my peers to know one more thing about me I would inform them that I have taken six classes every semester since I have been in college. As any major that would be a difficult task to complete. As an accounting major and a minor in finance, it has definitely been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I would say that the trials and tribulations I have gone through to get to this point have molded me into much more of a resilient person and someone who does not fear the unknown nearly as much as I did before I reached CCU.