Megan Foster

Megan Foster

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Megan Foster

Hometown: Bedford, Penn.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Communication                                                                                                          


Megan learned about Coastal through vacationing in Myrtle Beach.

Megan's Video

Have you ever met someone and immediately felt energized in their presence? Megan Foster definitely has that effect on people. An outgoing and involved individual overflowing with positivity, it is tough not to feel rejuvenated even after a short five minute discussion (or in our case an interview) with her.

But believe us, it is not just her words that will leave you inspired. Megan did not forget her big heart when she left her small hometown in Pennsylvania to come to Coastal. Listing “volunteering” as one of her main hobbies, Megan devotes time at Habitat for Humanity and the Shepherd’s Table here in Conway. She also pours countless hours into her role as the Miss CCU Pageant Director, a responsibility that is taking up most of her time lately as the pageant will take place this upcoming Monday (Oct. 24).

If the above wasn’t enough, Megan served as an orientation leader this past summer and is a member of the Coastal Activities Board. In addition to the multiple instruments she can play, Megan can also sing as evidenced by her spot on Coastal’s acapella singing group, AcaChants. But let’s not forget academics; Megan is a Research Fellow in the Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts.

All of Megan’s volunteer work is good practice for her because she wants to make a career out of giving back. She envisions going out west for graduate school and then working for a non-profit. Of course, according to her, the volunteer work she is so passionate about will still continue to be a part of her life as well. Best of luck to Megan at Monday’s pageant and thanks for choosing Coastal Carolina University.     

Megan is from Bedford, Penn.
Megan is a junior.

Q&A with Megan

How did you hear about Coastal?: My family vacationed in Myrtle Beach a lot when I was younger. As I got older and started looking at colleges, I could not help but look at CCU.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I come from a really small town in Pennsylvania. A lot of people stay there their entire lives. I knew I needed to leave and try something new. I looked at only schools in the south and finally decided on CCU. Moving 10 hours away was so scary. The opportunities I have found in Myrtle Beach and at CCU are exactly what I was looking for and have made it all worth it. Coastal is my home away from home and I could never imagine being somewhere else.

Favorite professor: Dr. Bergstrom, Dr. Weinhold and Dr. Everett. I really enjoy everyone in the COMM department though!

Favorite class: Comm 304- Gender Communication

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love the size of CCU. It is big enough that you can meet so many new people but at the same time you can have close relationships with professors and other staff.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: There is ALWAYS something fun to do and a new restaurant to try! Also, there are so many opportunities for communication majors here.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: AcaChants (acapella group at Coastal), Miss CCU Pageant Director, Coastal Activities Board Pageant Chair, 2016 Orientation Leader, College of Humanities and Fine Arts Research Fellow.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work for CAB on campus, but I enjoy volunteering at Habitat for Humanity and The Shepard’s Table in Conway.

Plans after graduation?:  Since I have lived on the east coast and in the south, I would really like to attend a graduate school out west. After that, I want to work for a non-profit, continue volunteering, someday start a family and live a happy life.

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy dancing, singing, crafting, event planning, volunteering, doing research, hanging out with my friends, eating chocolate chip cookies/mozzarella cheese sticks, going to the beach, watching sports, attending CCU events. Basically I like to stay busy.

Do you have any hidden talents?: My family is pretty talented when it comes to music and they passed it along to me. I started playing the piano at age five and the alto saxophone shortly after that. I can play some other instruments too but not well enough to call them talents!

Bonus Information: I just try to make a difference in people’s lives every single day. I want others to be happy! Also, I am a diehard Pittsburgh sports fan and will be for the rest of my life.