Monica Fulmer

Monica Fulmer

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Name: Monica Fulmer

Hometown:  Florence, N.J.

Year in School: Senior

Major: Intelligence and National Security Studies

 ‌Monica is from Florence, N.J.

Monica's Video

It seems as if those individuals who are resilient stand out. Constantly overcoming obstacles and passing life’s tests build character. When you meet Monica Fulmer, you experience the product of resiliency. An intelligence and national security studies senior, she admits to having “been through a lot” but notes she has continued to pick herself back up, leading her to the position she is in today.

Monica has developed some strong interests at Coastal. First and foremost, she has fallen in love with studying abroad. In her time as a Chanticleer, Monica has taken part in three study abroad trips, allowing her to see seven different countries. She cites her month-long trip to Cyrpus and Greece as her most memorable experience abroad. While visiting those countries, Monica not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery but savored the chance to meet many interesting political leaders.

“It (studying abroad) is something that just really opens up your eyes and Coastal has such great programs to go abroad with,” Monica explains.

Involvement in Greek Life is also important to Monica. In contrast to what some students do, she took her time deciding on the perfect fit. In fact, she sat out both her freshman and sophomore years before joining CCU’s chapter of Chi Omega her junior year. Currently the president of her sorority, the wait was well worth it, evidenced by Monica remarking, “I just can’t get enough of Chi-O!”

It has definitely been a journey for Monica. The New Jersey native took a chance coming to Coastal and it has paid off. Although it wasn’t always easy, her university has made her a stronger person.

“I was very shy, very quiet. I wasn’t really in tune with myself before I got to Coastal,” Monica says. “These past four years I have really developed into a more confident person because of the experiences I have had at Coastal and the people I have met.”

With either graduate school or the Peace Corps in her future, we hope Monica takes the confidence she has gained at Coastal and uses wherever she lands next.  

Monica has studied abroad in seven different countries during her time at Coastal.

Q&A with Monica

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal through a family friend.

Why did you come to Coastal?:  I came to Coastal because it offered my desired major and because of the beautiful campus.

Favorite professor: Joseph Fitsanakis, Ph.D., and Mariam Dekanozishvili, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Subject? My Intel classes! Specific class? Intelligence in the Cold War.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The small classes. Also, the understanding that if you put forth your best effort, the professors will give it right back to you.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  The wide variety of food options.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: President of Chi Omega, member of and former Recruitment Chair of Women in Intelligence and National Security Club, member of Help Save the Next Girl, member of Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB), member of National Security Club, former study abroad representative for Global Ambassadors, founder of the Russian Club, former peer mentor for the Department of Humanities.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?:  Coastal Greek and Coastal Ale House

Plans after graduation?:  I want to attend either graduate school or the Peace Corps. But long term I want to be a United Nations consultant.         

What are your hobbies?: Binge watching Netflix, traveling.

Bonus Info: Since coming to Coastal I have had the amazing opportunity to study abroad and visit seven different countries!