Nathan Dyer

Nathan Dyer

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Nathan Dyer                                                                                       

Hometown: Detroit, Mich.

Year in School: Senior                                                   

Major: Communication

Nathan is a senior.


Nathan's Video

We have heard countless reasons for why students opt to learn more about our University, but Nathan Dyer’s reason is a first. Revealing to us that Coastal Carolina University “had a nice ring to it,” Nathan decided to do his homework on our institution and follow it up with a campus visit. From there, things seemed right and he became a Chanticleer.

That string of events happened over four years ago.  Who would have thought that merely hearing the name of our University in passing would lead Nathan to where he is today? The communication major will graduate this afternoon in front of a packed HTC Center crowd.

Without doubt, Nathan’s time at Coastal is defined by his work with the student radio station on campus, WCCU. Calling his experience “extremely rewarding,” he learned to become comfortable with how his voice sounded behind the microphone while at the same time picking up leadership skills he will carry with him for the rest of his life. His most memorable moment with the station came when he put together his first showcase.

“I was in disbelief that it was going to happen,” Nathan recalls about how he felt just prior to the showcase becoming reality. “Just to see something come to fruition that you worked really, really hard for – that is a feeling that you can’t even describe.”

But Nathan gives Coastal far more credit than simply allowing him to pursue his broadcasting passion. Mentioning that CCU is a place that will help a student discover their finer qualities while exposing the ones that need to be worked on, Nathan notes that individuals graduate with a much greater understanding of themselves.

“If you come here you are going to learn a lot about yourself, a lot about people, a lot about the real world, a lot about college – a lot about everything,” says Nathan. “And a lot of that learning will take place outside the classroom.”

The sky is the limit. Referencing his tendency to have his “hand in a lot of fires,” Nathan won’t let a single job or discipline consume him. He wants to do it all – broadcasting, real estate, public relations. After all, Nathan reasons, why limit yourself with a versatile degree like communication?

We wish Nathan well today and in his future. We are thankful that this Detroit product chose CCU and developed his interests. Big things to come!


Nathan is from Detroit.

Q&A with Nathan

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about CCU in passing in high school and thought the name had a nice ring to it. I did my homework on the University and visited campus. I fell in love with Coastal shortly thereafter.

Why did you come to Coastal?: The location and the beauty of campus. Also, after being involved with my high school’s newspaper, the opportunity to pursue my radio career was very intriguing.  

Favorite professor: My favorite professor is Steve Madden, Ph.D. He always gave us a great story which often times turned out to be the lesson for the day. There was never a dull day in his class. His phone policy for class was even pretty great – you always got a bit of wisdom from him.

Favorite class: My favorite class was Social Inequality (SOC *309). It really showed me a lot of the different ways inequality shows itself in our society , especially to poor people of color. Components such as the environment, housing, jobs, etc., all play a role.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love the fact that we accept everyone from all walks of life. You will see so many people who on paper you think wouldn’t be friends or collaborate only to be surprised.  

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I can enjoy dinner with an ocean view. 

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am involved with WCCU and the Floyd Family Mentoring Program.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at the House Of Blues and I am the program manager for WCCU.

Plans after graduation?:  Still figuring it out, I have a couple interviews in Philadelphia and Atlanta.

What are your hobbies?: Music, podcasting, reading, sleeping, and collecting vinyls.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can memorize random facts at the drop of a hat. I also have a plethora of funny faces and voices I can make on command.

During his time at Coastal, Nathan was heavily involved with WCCU.