Nicole Pippo

Nicole Pippo

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Name: Nicole Pippo                                                                                                

Hometown: Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.

Year in School: Senior                                                                      

Major: Communication


 ‌Nicole is from Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.

Nicole's Video

What would motivate you to work hard during a given academic year? For Nicole Pippo, it is knowing that a diploma and a trip to Italy await her once spring semester concludes in early May. But let’s be honest. Even if Nicole was staring at several more semesters of college and didn’t have an overseas plane ticket secured, she would still give her full effort because that is the type of student she is.

A senior from Cortlandt Manor, N.Y., Nicole transferred to CCU early in her undergraduate career and has not regretted it. Although she knew the path she wanted to pursue, Nicole wanted to take the journey at a place with a more favorable climate and friendlier vibe.

“I am kind of reserved but a lot of people like to have small talk with you and I feel like that made me come out of my shell,” Nicole explains about the positive impact Coastal has had on her.

Coming out of her shell allowed Nicole to pursue opportunities that will help her land a journalism job when she graduates. The current editor-in-chief of The Odyssey’s Coastal Carolina community and a student writer for University Communication, Nicole is getting practical experience every day. When not attending classes or writing, Nicole enjoys spending time with her dog, relaxing at the pool and watching Netflix. But no matter if she is completing an assignment, writing an article or practicing her Italian (she if fluent), Nicole keeps a certain perspective.

“I try to see the best in every situation,” Nicole explains, adding that thoughts become reality.

Admitting that she is excited for the academic year to start because she is ready to finish school, Nicole is still looking forward to an academic slate that includes “challenging yet unique” classes. We hope Nicole’s senior year is the perfect end to her CCU career!

Nicole is a communication student.

Q&A with Nicole

How did you hear about Coastal?: I have been vacationing in Myrtle Beach since I was very young, so I had always known about it, but I never thought I would actually be a student here!

Why did you come to Coastal?: I transferred here after my freshman year at a university in upstate New York. It wasn’t the right fit for me (it was too snowy and in the middle of nowhere). I knew I’d be happier at CCU where it’s always sunny and the beach is so close by.

Favorite professor: Sharon Tutrone because she has so much experience in the field of journalism and she’s just the best!

Favorite class: Communication Theory with Wes Fondren, Ph.D.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love Coastal because it has such a friendly vibe. Everyone – students, faculty and staff – is always willing to help you and start up a conversation.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love that there is always something to do in Conway and Myrtle Beach, but my favorite thing is probably all the places to go shopping.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am the president and editor-in-chief of the Odyssey at CCU. We write articles about a wide variety of topics and they are published every week on

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work on campus as a student writer at the Office of University Communication.

Plans after graduation?: Right after graduation in May, I plan on traveling to Italy. That will be my first time traveling outside of the country! Then I plan on getting a job either in print or broadcast journalism in the area.

What are your hobbies?: I like to shop, go to the pool, work out and watch Netflix.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can speak Italian.

Bonus Info: I have a dog, Bubba, who I consider to be my baby. He is a Lhasa Apso/Shih Tzu mix and I adopted him from a shelter when I was 10 years old.


Nicole can speak Italian.