Noelle Noble

Noelle Noble

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Noelle Noble                                                                                      

Hometown: Port Jefferson Station, N.Y.

Year in School: Senior                                                   

Major: Recreation and Sport Management

 ‌Noelle is a recreation and sport management student

Noelle's Video

When you think of a descriptive word to truly illustrate a person, perhaps no other entry in the dictionary portrays somebody better than the word sassy. This adjective conveys an individual who is assertive, humorous and bold. Meet Noelle Noble.

“It’s just my personality and how I have grown up,” Noelle explains about her sassy nature. “It is my attitude toward things.”

A senior recreation and sport management student from Port Jefferson Station, N.Y., Noelle transferred to Coastal looking for an institution with a cozier feel and a more competitive student to faculty ratio. She found what she was looking for and more. Noelle successfully applied for a position as an orientation leader and immediately found, as she describes it, “a family you can rely on.” Over the past two years, she has thrived in her role with New Student and Family Programs.

“My favorite moment at CCU was when I found out that I was an orientation leader,” explains Noelle. “Getting that job has really meant the world to me and changed my life for the better.”

We imagine she has changed the lives of new Chanticleers for the better as well. Noelle glows when she speaks about the relationships she has established with both the new students she has mentored and with her fellow orientation leaders she has worked with. Needless to say, her sassy personality has had a #CCUPositiveImpact.

As Noelle nears the end of her undergraduate career, her plan is to move to Charlotte and pursue a career in her field. We thank her for transferring to CCU and hope she continues to have a great senior year.


Noelle is a senior

Q&A with Noelle

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal when they traveled to my hometown and spoke at a college info session.

Why did you come to Coastal?: The main reason I came to Coastal was because it was a smaller school and the student-to-professor ratio was exactly what I was looking for.

Favorite professor: Chelsea Kaunert, Ph.D.

Favorite class: RSM 490: Event Planning

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I like how the campus is not too big so you see familiar faces and you know more people.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I like being close to the beach.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Orientation leader/team leader

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at Target and in the Lib Jackson Student Union game room.

Plans after graduation?:  Move to Charlotte and look for a job in that area.          

What are your hobbies?: Napping and shopping

Bonus Info: I am a Carolina Panther fan and love football.


Noelle is from Port Jefferson, N.Y.