Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey

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Name: Patrick Dempsey                                              

Hometown: Holbrook, N.Y.

Year in School: Junior                                   

Major: Finance


 Patrick plays goal keeper for the club lacrosse team.

Patrick's Video

It is impressive to come across a student who is entering a blossoming career during the middle of his undergraduate years. Such is the case with Patrick Dempsey, a junior finance major from Holbrook, N.Y. By the time he graduates from Coastal, his employment section on his resume will list a couple of major financial companies.

Merrill Lynch? Citigroup? Patrick has ties to both. He was an assistant to a team at Merrill Lynch and this summer he will join Citigroup in New York City for a 10-week program that will allow him to work along company traders. Currently, he is an analyst at a financial newsletter called The Daily Dirtnap.

How has Patrick accomplished so much at such a young age? He points to a few main reasons, the first being his professors. Since arriving at Coastal, Patrick has not felt shy about reaching out to the Coastal faculty. Mentioning that he has developed close relationships with several of his professors, he is not afraid to “pick their brains.”

Patrick just doesn’t talk to his professors when it comes to getting a leg up. He has mastered the skill of networking, chatting with people all across the financial industry.

“I would urge anybody to reach out to as many people as you can and have those meaningful conversations,” Patrick explains. “It will help you in the long run.”

Perhaps the biggest factor in Patrick’s quick rise has been a particular trait that is sometimes overlooked: persistency. Not letting opportunities go by the wayside and always following up are crucial keys to success in the business world. Trust us, Patrick will not let anything slip by.

“Throughout my college experience I have been pretty persistent getting what I want. Some people call it hardheadedness but I like to think it has helped me through my life so far,” Patrick says.

Crediting Coastal with giving him an opportunity to grow and find what he is passionate about, Patrick’s future is bright but his present is too. Upon graduating from Coastal he wants to move to New York City permanently and work as a trader for a top investment bank. With the way he has already proven himself, we see no reason why he won’t accomplish his goal.    

Patrick is from Holbrook, N.Y.
Patrick is studying finance.

Q&A with Patrick

How did you hear about Coastal?: Growing up, I frequently visited family in the area and on one of my visits I came across Coastal.

Why did you come to Coastal?: One of my times in the area, I was able to come visit Coastal. I enjoyed the campus and felt that being part of the explosive growth would only benefit me moving forward. The business college appeared career oriented and the professors seemed highly invested in student success. It was a no-brainer when picking from my alternatives

Favorite professor: Robert Burney, Ph.D.

Favorite class: FIN 441: Financial Derivatives

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The professors. I have been extremely lucky to develop close relationships with the professors in the Department of Finance and Economics. It has been great to pick their minds and I can definitely be seen on campus taking advantage of that opportunity.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The convenience. Myrtle Beach is located in a prime spot for many of my interests. I can go to the beach, take a day trip to one of the surrounding cities, or hop on a flight to New York City where I spend a good deal of time speaking with people in my desired industry.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Wall Fellows Class of 2019, Financial Management Association President, club lacrosse goalie

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at the Wall Center for Excellence as a tutor (statistics, economics, and finance). Also, I just transitioned from a role as a team assistant at Merrill Lynch to an analyst at a financial newsletter called The Daily Dirtnap.

Plans after graduation?: Work in New York City as a trader for a top investment bank.   

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy reading, watching movies, and going on road trips in my spare time

Do you have any hidden talents?: I worked for a summer at a coffee shop on a beach and I can make an excellent latte

Bonus Info: I was selected to join Citigroup this summer in its sales and trading summer analyst program. This is a 10-week program where I will be able to work alongside traders at the Citigroup headquarters in New York City. I have always had a passion for markets and investing and this opportunity is exactly the type of role I have always wanted. Thanks to Coastal for helping get me there.