Paul Wedel

Paul Wedel

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Name: Paul Wedel                                                         

Hometown: Monmouth Beach, N.J.

Year in School:  Junior                                   

Major:  Business Management


 Paul enjoys performing community service.

Paul's Video

It is not the most glamorous job, but someone has to pick up the trash that ends up on our roadways. Paul Wedel, the community service chair for CCU’s Kappa Sigma chapter, has no problem giving back to the community by performing the dirty task. The junior business management student from Monmouth Beach, N.J., regularly takes his fraternity brothers to Singleton Ridge Road, the busy street that connects U.S. Highway 501 and South Carolina Highway 544. Once at the location, his crew works hard to beautify the area.

Several years ago, Paul probably never envisioned he would be picking up trash on a busy South Carolina road. However, if you told him at the time it would be a community service project for his fraternity in conjunction with a highway adoption program, he probably would have started counting down the days until he enrolled as a Chanticleer.

Paul loves his fraternity and he loves his University. Proud that Kappa Sigma was rechartered a couple years ago and pleased with Coastal’s small class sizes, he couldn’t be happier living in Conway. A business management major, it didn’t take long for him to realize he was on the right academic path.

“Ever since I was young I always saw myself in a management or leadership position,” Paul says. “Once I started taking some of the classes I really saw that this was the major for me.”

Paul hopes to use his business management degree to land a sales or management position. However, he envisions doing something outside his day job. Interested in real estate, he wants to flip houses with his dad.

Happy at Coastal and on the right path to reach his career goals, Paul has purpose and direction. After finishing this semester strong, we hope he has a fabulous senior year.

Paul is a junior.
Paul is a business management major.

Q&A with Paul

How did you hear about Coastal?:  I heard about Coastal from a few people who lived in my hometown. They attended CCU and said they loved it and I also had representatives from Coastal come to my high school and talk about the University.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I decided to come to CCU because I heard a lot of great things about the school. After I came down here for a tour I fell in love with the campus and surrounding areas.

Favorite professor: Larry Smith, Ph.D.

Favorite class: CBAD 290 Integrated Business Communication

Favorite aspect of Coastal?:  My favorite aspect of Coastal is the small class sizes, it really makes me feel more engaged in my classes. I also love how close and tight knit the Coastal community is.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  My favorite aspect of living in the Conway/ Myrtle Beach area is the nice weather. I don’t mind skipping out on a lot of the cold back home during the winter in New Jersey.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity

Plans after graduation?:  After graduation I plan to go back to New Jersey and pursue a career in commercial real estate. I also plan to do extra real estate on the side with my father.

What are your hobbies?: My hobbies include hanging out with my friends, traveling, trying new things, watching a good show or movie, and really enjoying a nice day.

Do you have any hidden talents?: No hidden talents but I am good at a bunch of random different things.

Bonus Info: I hold a few different positions for the Kappa Sigma fraternity, my favorite being community service chair.  I have been in charge of a bunch of different service projects and events. I am most proud of our highway adoption efforts. We adopted Singleton Ridge Road in Conway, which connects 501 and 544. I take groups of guys from my fraternity out there every few weeks to volunteer and clean up the streets.