Rachel Fullerton

Rachel Fullerton

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Name: Rachel Fullerton                                                

Hometown: Anderson, S.C.

Year in School: Junior                                                                                                   

Major: Early Childhood Education


Rachel is a junior.

Rachel's Video

Over the years, the Spadoni College of Education has produced countless incredible teachers who have played a major part in making the community better. Rachel Fullerton, a junior early childhood education major, will undoubtedly carry on that tradition.

When talking with Rachel, her passion for teaching becomes evident. The excitement she has for positively impacting children is inspiring. Believing that compassion is the one trait that will lead to a successful teaching career, Rachel is committed to showing it at all times to every student once she is in the classroom.

Although compassion is innate to Rachel, she has developed other traits at Coastal that did not come as naturally. Take personal morale for example. Thanks to a faculty and student body who genuinely care, Rachel has discovered her own self-worth.

“I feel like I have been able to become a more confident person and someone who is just more comfortable in her own skin,” Rachel explains.

Declaring that Coastal was the “best decision” she ever made for herself, perhaps one day her decision to become a teacher will rank right up there. She definitely has high hopes. Looking down the road, Rachel sees a bright future.

“Hopefully I am with a group of students who I love and they love me,” Rachel reflects when asked about where she sees herself a couple years removed from graduation.

One thing is for sure, she is on the right track.  

Rachel is from Anderson, S.C.
Rachel is an early education major.

Q&A with Rachel

How did you hear about Coastal?: From my grandfather. My grandparents retired down here and whenever we came to visit them he would talk to me about becoming a Chanticleer.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because I fell in love with the campus. I had this cheesy moment where I got out of the car in the faculty parking lot near Singleton Building and stood near the fountain and it immediately felt like home.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor at Coastal is Lindsey Pritchard. I have had three or four classes with her and I have learned so much. She is an amazing person and teacher, she genuinely cares about every single person she comes in contact with.

Favorite class: As an education major it's extremely hard to pick my favorite class because I have genuinely loved all of them. But the class I probably loved most of all was my English 101 class with Brian Roessler. I learned a lot about writing but I learned even more about connecting with others and being myself in front of a room of people.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: We have an extremely friendly campus. I've never met so many helpful and caring people in one place.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The weather, except for hurricane season. My first semester here I learned to always have an umbrella.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: This past semester I was able to join KDP which is the fraternity for education majors. Right before winter break we got to deliver book bags to all of the students at Riverside Elementary School and it was an amazing experience.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work on campus as a desk manager for University Housing.

Plans after graduation?:  I am hoping to find a job at an elementary school.        

What are your hobbies?: I love to read, cook and be outside.

Do you have any hidden talents?: People are always surprised to find out that I can play the violin.

Bonus Info: As a student who transferred into Coastal I can say that it's the best decision I ever made for myself. I truly couldn't imagine getting a better experience at another institution. Coastal has become my home away from home.