Reanna Schnubel

Reanna Schnubel

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Reanna Schnubel                                                            

Hometown:  Tolland, Conn.

Year in School:  Senior                                  

Major: Accounting


Reanna is an accounting student.

Reanna's Video

Although we love having our students on campus for four years, we celebrate those who graduate at a quicker rate. A case in point is our Degree in Three initiative. However, Reanna Schnubel didn’t need a special program to pave the way toward graduating in just three years. Rather, she has set herself up to complete the task the old fashioned way.

A senior (academic credit wise) from Tolland, Conn., Reanna got busy right when she arrived on campus. In addition to taking heavy course loads each semester, she took multiple classes each summer, putting herself in position to receive her diploma this upcoming spring.   

Just because her undergraduate career will be short doesn’t mean it won’t be meaningful. Reanna is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma and says the sorority has helped her meet her best friends. She is also a tutor for the athletic department, praising the opportunity as the perfect chance for her to help others.

Looking into the crystal ball five years from now, Reanna sees herself working for a CPA firm in South Carolina. In the meantime, don’t feel too sad about Reanna graduating in just three years – she plans to return to Coastal Carolina for graduate school. We are happy to see her walk across the stage in May and are excited about the potential of her return shortly thereafter.

Reanna is from Tolland, Conn.
Reanna is a tutor in the athletic department.

Q&A with Reanna

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal by passing by the Coastal Carolina sign on Highway 501 coming down to Myrtle Beach for vacation.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because I have been coming to Myrtle Beach since I was 8 years old, so it was already a second home to me.

Favorite professors: Sheila Mitchell and Karen Sauls

Favorite class:  Intermediate Accounting 1

Favorite aspect of Coastal?:  My favorite aspect of Coastal is that the campus is small, so no matter where I am I will see a familiar face. Coastal gave me my best friends. If it weren’t for me coming to Coastal and joining Tri Sigma I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The people I met have made me better.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite aspect of living in Myrtle Beach is being in the center of everything. Where I live I am no more than 10 minutes from any activity I want to do like the mall, Market Common or Broadway.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am in the sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma and Order of Omega.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?:  I work as a tutor for the athletic department.

Plans after graduation?:  After graduation I plan on enrolling in graduate school, hopefully here at Coastal.

What are your hobbies?: My hobbies are going to the gym, hanging out with friends and going to the beach.

Do you have any hidden talents?:  I have yet to find any hidden talents.

Bonus Info:   I am graduating in three years rather than the normal four and I am not a part of the Degree in Three program.