Riley Hobbs

Riley Hobbs

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Riley Hobbs

Hometown: Doylestown, Pa.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Communication

Minor: Hospitality

Social Media Handle: @riley_hobbs (Instagram)


                                Riley is from Doylestown, Pa.

Riley's Video                                                                           

During my college tours, I was hard pressed to find a campus that I felt comfortable with.  After a few steps onto Prince Lawn, I knew Coastal was that campus.  In fact, my brother Jack was with me on my first tour of CCU’s campus and had the same feeling; he enrolled just a year after I did.  Coastal’s location, class sizes and invitation into the honors program made my college decision clear.  This is the start of my junior year and I can’t help but think that my time here is flying by! I fondly look back on my freshman year when I made friends and became acquainted with the campus where I now spend the majority of my time.  I am always happy to start a new semester knowing that I will see the familiar faces of professors and friends from past classes.

Besides my classes, the most enriching part of my time at Coastal has been working in the as a student photographer in the Office of University Marketing and Communication.  My job has allowed me to see the University from an entirely new perspective.  I attend sports games, music events, theatre performances, lectures, fundraisers, and many more events year-round to take photos and capture the energy that Coastal students bring to #TEALnation.  I always enjoy what our campus has to offer and encourage everyone to attend Coastal’s events throughout the year.


Riley is a student photographer for #CCU

Meet Riley

Favorite professor: Cassandra Hill, Corinne Dalelio, Jeanne Stewart, Sharon Tutrone, Misti Williams, Jane A. Bailey (The Communication faculty members have truly made my time here fulfilling and worthwhile.  I couldn't choose just one.)

Favorite class: English 205 “G'Day Mate! Lit Down Under” was outside of my major or minor classes and it completely expanded my knowledge of other cultures and their history.

Campus Involvement (organizations, activities, etc.): I work as a student photographer within the Office of University Marketing and Communication and I will be rushing a sorority next weekend.

Favorite trait of #CCU: Kind and supportive faculty.

Favorite Netflix series: Sherlock

Favorite charitable cause: ASPCA

Item you would bring to a deserted island: Paddle board

Dream job:  Cruise director aboard Disney Cruise Line

Favorite Southern food: Mac and cheese

Motivating factor in life: Happiness

Favorite quote:  “The grass is greener where you water it.”


Riley is a junior