Roneshia Dennison

Roneshia Dennison

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Roneshia Dennison

Hometown: Georgetown, S.C.

Year in School: Senior

Major: Exercise and Sport Science                                                                         

Roneshia is from Georgetown.

Roneshia's Video

After attending an institution that lacked opportunities to become involved, Roneshia Dennison looked for a university that offered students the chance to become truly part of the campus community. Roneshia realized that a place long on her radar as a Georgetown native, CCU, would be the perfect fit.

Roneshia’s desire for campus involvement was realized shortly after she transferred. She joined the Women of Color, accepted a mentor position with the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program, and served on the Student Conduct Board. She even found employment on campus too! Roneshia works for University Recreation in the Outdoor Center. By not limiting herself as a Coastal student, Roneshia has noticed some changes.

“I have grown as a person and learned a lot about myself,” Roneshia says.

We would be amiss if we didn’t mention that Roneshia’s time as an orientation leader also helped build her character. As many past students have testified in our #CCUfamily series, the opportunity to influence new students while working with dedicated peers is special. Raving that the job produces a steady stream of “fun energy,” Roneshia says the orientation leader experience is one she will never forget.

Describing herself as determined, Roneshia won’t give up. This attitude doesn’t apply solely to academic and extracurricular pursuits – she is committed to her fitness to. Roneshia enjoys attending group fitness classes, especially high intensity ones.   Needless to say, her determination extends to her mind and body.

Graduate school is next for Roneshia. She wants to earn a master’s degree in higher education administration. We wish her well and hope that one day, after she earns her next degree, she will find herself once again on a college campus, this time as a professional.

Roneshia is a senior.

Q&A with Roneshia

How did you hear about Coastal?:  Being a local, I was very familiar with Coastal Carolina University. I was actually on this campus for the first time years ago at a March of Dimes event.

Why did you come to Coastal?:  The reason why I came to Coastal was because the previous college I attended lacked opportunities. It is the opposite at CCU. Also, I am very close with my family and wanted to be here so I could be close to home.

Favorite professor: Veronica Gerald

Favorite class: My favorite class was a leadership development seminar course. I had to complete it to become an orientation Leader. This class helped me learn about myself and taught me how to overcome challenges that leaders face.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect about Coastal is the CINO Cash feature on my CINO Card. It allows me to purchase items off campus like food and gas. I also cherish my relationships with faculty and staff. CCU employees are amazing and I am so thankful for the individuals I have met over the past four year.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  I would have to say my favorite aspect about living in the Conway/ Myrtle Beach area is my familiarity with the area. I am 45 minutes away from home and close to the beach!

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?:  I am a member of Women of Color, a mentor for the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program, and I serve on the Student Conduct Board.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?:   I currently work for University Recreation in the Outdoor Center.

Plans after graduation?:  My plans after graduation is to earn my graduate degree in higher education administration.                 

What are your hobbies?:  Going to group fitness classes in the HTC and hanging out with my friends.

Roneshia is an exercise and sport science student.