Sean Safko

Sean Safko

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Sean Safko

Hometown: Newtown, Pa.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Exercise and Sport Science                                                                                  

Sean is from Newton, Pa.

Sean's Video

Hailing from Newtown, Pa., Sean Safko grew up in a fun town with lots to do.  He loved playing with his friends and having a good time.  When searching for a school, Sean wanted to find one with that same energetic spirit he has always known.  After his tour, Sean sensed that same unique energy in Coastal Carolina University.

Move-in Day for parents and students is always a blur, filled with many hugs and emotions.  But for Sean, his favorite moment was Move-in Day, as he knew the time had arrived to embrace his new independence.  Living 12 hours away from home is a big change for anyone but Sean saw it more of a challenge than a barrier.

Falling into his new life at Coastal, Sean has developed life-long relationships with his friends and professors.  He has grown personally and academically, ultimately developing into a person he is proud of.  Sean has been able to make the most out of his education and he jumps at any new opportunity to better himself.  Whether that be working out or studying for a test, Sean has always shown dedication to personal growth.  

Sean has always been intrigued by the human body.  Getting to learn about the processes of the body has helped him in his area of study.  As an exercise and sport science major, Sean loves all types of exercise.

“My ideal workout is anything that challenges me.  I like something that pushes me both mentally and physically.  So, I can take that mentality I gain in the gym and put it towards my real life,” explains Sean.

With determination and passion, Sean is eager to put his knowledge to the test and make a life out of the education he has received at Coastal.  With so much going for him right now, we are excited to see Sean continue to excel at CCU and eventually move on to a bright future. 


Sean is a junior

Q&A with Sean

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard of Coastal through baseball in high school. Then I started to look solely at the academics and it looked to be a perfect fit.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I fell in love with the campus the first time I saw it. Just how everything looks very clean and modern for the most part. Plus the class sizes are perfect for me.

Favorite class: I loved anatomy and physiology. I have a passion for health and really enjoy learning about the human body and how it works.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The relationships I have formed. Whether it is with professors or other classmates everyone here has treated me kindly. It really feels like home.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Access to the beach and the weather.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Lifeguard at the Williams-Brice pool.

Plans after graduation?: I am undecided. I have a desire to help people and I may go the route of becoming a physician assistant or physical therapist.

What are your hobbies?: Really love being outdoors and staying active. Exercise has always been a huge part of my life so going to the gym is something I love doing. Also, I play guitar.

Do you have any hidden talents?: Not really but I taught myself to play guitar through YouTube videos about a year ago.

Bonus Info: Really excited to have this opportunity.


Sean is an exercise science major.