Shea Boultenhouse

Shea Boultenhouse

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Shea Boultenhouse                                                                    

Hometown: Bellingham, Mass.

Year in School: Junior                                        

Major: Marketing

Social Media Handle: @shea_boultenhouse


                                Shea is from Bellingham, Mass.

Shea's Video                                                   

My name is Shea Boultenhouse! I am from Bellingham, Mass., and I am a junior marketing major. I always knew I wanted to attend a college in the South so that I could experience new places and take some risks because I do love where I am from. Coastal offers an amazing academic program for my major as well as various clubs and organizations that have given me the opportunity to meet so many new people and to get involved on campus. My experience at Coastal has been incredible and has truly made me a better woman, student and friend. I have enjoyed the opportunity to make lifelong friends in my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, and have been able to network with my professors who have worked in the industries I am interested in. I could not have asked for more from this community and I am so thankful for this amazing University. Chants Up!

Shea is a marketing major

Meet Shea

Favorite professor: Derrick Bracey


Favorite class:  Comm 160 :  Persuasion


Campus Involvement (organizations, activities, etc.): I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi.


Favorite trait of #CCU: CINO Day!


Favorite Netflix series:  How I Met Your Mother or Gossip Girl


Favorite charitable cause: Ronald McDonald House Charities


Dream job: Market research analyst for the fashion industry


Favorite Southern food: Bojangles, or fried chicken in general.


Motivating factor in life: My parents


Favorite quote:  “Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss


Bonus Info: I love dogs, the Patriots, and anything Boston related!