Tavia Sturgill

Tavia Sturgill

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Tavia Sturgill                                                     

Hometown: Roanoke, Va.

Year in School: Senior                   

Major: Psychology

Minor: Women’s and Gender Studies

Tavia is a senior.


Tavia's Video

To say that Tavia Sturgill made the most out of her four years at Coastal Carolina is an understatement. Leaving her hometown of Roanoke, Va., to attend her adopted home in #TEALnation worked out exceptionally well – for Tavia and CCU both.

“Every time I step on campus I don’t feel like I am 5.5 hours away from my family,” Tavia says. “I feel like I am right where I should be; I feel like I am right at home.”

Tavia was a one-person machine when it came to recruiting and retaining her fellow CCU students. She helped prospective students choose Coastal as a Teal Trailblazer, introduced new students to our culture as an orientation leader and kept current students engaged as a resident adviser. Out of these three important and sought-after roles, Tavia especially enjoyed her time as an orientation leader, remarking that it completely changed her life and was the best thing to ever happen to her.

After initially enrolling at CCU as a marine science major, she switched to psychology, believing that it fit her personality better. Tavia also started working on a women’s and gender studies minor, expressing her desire for it to become a full-fledged major. Tavia will take what she has learned at Coastal and apply it to an internship in the non-profit sector that she has in place after graduation. As she reflects on her undergraduate career, she sees a major difference in the individual she was prior to Coastal and the young woman she is now.

“Before I came to Coastal, I was this very quiet, in my shell type of person. But since coming to Coastal, I have definitely expanded myself and grown as a person,” Tavia reflects. “I have accomplished so much more than I thought I would. Coastal has set me up for my life path.”

Tavia Sturgill has made a big difference at CCU. With her family coming to town for graduation, we know there will be a lot of pride inside the HTC Center when she crosses that stage. Well done!

Tavia is a psychology student.

Q&A with Tavia

How did you hear about Coastal?: A college fair in my hometown.

Why did you come to Coastal?: It had the best marine science program, which was my major at the time of enrollment. I ultimately settled here because of the familial energy I felt when taking a tour of campus.

Favorite professor: Andrew Terranova, Ph.D., and Ina Seethaler, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Psychology in the Law

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The overall energy of the campus.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: It gives me plenty to show my family and friends when they visit.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I was a Teal Trailblazer, resident adviser and an orientation leader throughout my time here at Coastal. I am also a member of NRHH and Triota Women’s and Gender Studies Honor Society.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Yes, Target

Plans after graduation?: Currently, I have an internship next semester helping to start up a non-profit organization, as I hope to have my own one day so this will give me great experience.

What are your hobbies?: I like to paint and listen to music. I also enjoy writing in my planner and researching.

Do you have any hidden talents?: If I do, they are hidden from me as well!

Bonus Info: I absolutely adore my school and I feel so lucky to be able to call myself a Chant!!

Tavia is minoring in Women's and Gender Studies