Taylor Humphries

Taylor Humphries

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Taylor Humphries                                                             

Hometown: Williamsburg, Va.

Year in School: Junior                                   

Major: Marine Science


 Taylor is a junior.

Taylor's Video

On the way to visit a university in Florida, Taylor Humphries and her mom realized their road trip from Virginia would take them by a certain institution near the coast in South Carolina. The duo decided to take a look, ultimately going on a Coastal Carolina University campus tour. At that point, a place that was once unknown to Taylor had become her preferred college destination.

Besides the location and friendly vibe of Coastal, Taylor decided to become a Chanticleer for the opportunity to study a certain creature she has always found fascinating.

“Since I was little, I have had a passion for sharks,” Taylor says.

At first, Taylor’s original plan was to attend a college that offered a biology program and cross her fingers that time would allow for her to study sharks. But CCU’s marine science program not only offered a much more specific aquatic wildlife curriculum but it also allowed her to focus specifically on sharks. She is now on path to one day enter a career that will allow her to tag and track her favorite animal all day.

In addition to her academic endeavors, Taylor embraced the #TEALnation culture. Her initiative to become involved has helped her out a lot.

“Coastal helped me branch out more. Growing up I was introverted and kept to myself,” Taylor explains.
“Now I am volunteering at numerous places and I mentor young kids. It has just helped me become myself.”

She does more than just mentor young kids. Taylor also donates her time to various area humane societies. She will visit these centers and take the animals out of their cages, playing with them and giving them the attention they deserve. It is a selfless act of kindness and it provides a genuine look into Taylor’s soul.

Coastal Carolina appreciates kind-hearted students like Taylor. We are glad she returned to campus after a brief one-year hiatus and we hope she continues to be a great example to our campus community.


Taylor is from Williamsburg, Va.
Taylor is a marine science student.

Q&A with Taylor

How did you hear about Coastal?: I was interested in studying marine science and my mom found CCU on our way to take a tour of Florida State University. I toured CCU first and fell in love with it.

Why did you come to Coastal?: For the marine science program and for the location near the beach.

Favorite professor: Lindsey Fox (math teacher)

Favorite class: SCUBA

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The scenery around campus.. it is beautiful!

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being so close to the beach

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I volunteer at various humane societies. I hope to earn an internship with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Plans after graduation?: Get my graduate degree and then hopefully get a job tagging and tracking sharks along the coast!

What are your hobbies?: I like to play field hockey, run, read, go to the beach, snorkel, be outside, care for animals.

Bonus Info: My birthday is on Pi Day (for math nerds like me). I have a 19-month-old niece named Olivia—light of my life and Future Chant for sure! I actually went here freshman year and didn’t think it was for me, so I transferred home for my sophomore year and realized CCU was my true calling…so now I’m back!