Trevor Carver

Trevor Carver

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Name: Trevor Carver                                                                                     

Hometown:  Crofton, Md.

Year in School: Junior                                                   

Major: Marine Science


 Trevor is a marine science major.

Trevor's Video

If you identify as an “environmental science junkie,” Coastal Carolina University should be at the top of your short list for higher education options.  Trevor Carver, a junior from Crofton, Md., embraces the label and during his college search found out that CCU is much more than a baseball school. He enrolled and joined the University’s most well-known program, marine science.

“I love the ocean and I want to be able to live by it for the rest of my life,” Trevor says, revealing his passion and his belief that CCU will help make his aspiration a permanent reality.

Since arriving in the Grand Strand, Trevor has taken full advantage of the preserved environments available to explore and learn from. He has taken particular interest in the South Strand beaches, an area that meshes perfectly with his marine science focus of physical oceanography.

An advocate for the conservation of ocean environments, Trevor would like to find a job or internship that is focused on the preservation of the barrier islands and/or the Atlantic Coast as a whole. But Trevor’s interest and concern with the environment isn’t limited to our oceans. He is very mindful of the planet as whole and encourages everyone to take ownership.

“In order to protect the earth, everybody can start small,” Trevor advises. “Change something you do each day. Eventually it becomes subconscious to you and everyone will live a better life that will also benefit the earth.”

Going from a global perspective back to a campus perspective, Trevor is very happy with his college choice. He has grown as an individual and developed a hunger for learning.

“I definitely found out who I am as a person in general,” Trevor begins. “I discovered a love for science and school that I didn’t have in high school.”

Our hope is that this love continues to expand throughout Trevor’s remaining time at Coastal and beyond. It is refreshing to see a young person with so much motivation to make the earth a better place.

Trevor is from the state of Maryland.
Trevor has a talent for remembering directions to places, even if he has only been once.

Q&A with Trevor

How did you hear about Coastal?: My parents had hired a college planner for my brother and I's continued education. He had mentioned Coastal Carolina as a good baseball school for my brother, but after checking it out for myself I fell in love with the school.

Why did you come to Coastal?:  I have traveled up and down the Atlantic coastline my whole life and have always felt a connection with the beach. Coastal's proximity to Myrtle Beach and the laid back lifestyle in South Carolina compared to the DC metro area was a big factor.

Favorite professor: Rebecca Grouchy, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Marine Geology

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: Coastal's campus is my favorite feature. The campus is beautiful and even though school is stressful, there are many places on campus to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle. It’s basically a safe haven.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  The weather and abundance of wildlife reserves and public parks.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I currently work part-time at The North Face outlet in Myrtle Beach.

Plans after graduation?:  After graduation I plan to either move to Virginia Beach and find a job or internship that is focused on the preservation of the barrier islands and the Atlantic coast as a whole, OR continue my marine science education through Coastal or Jacksonville University.     

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy exploring the Waccamaw Parks and South Strand beaches with my best friend, Lanie. We are environmental science junkies and use a lot of what we have learned to appreciate the preserved environments we have available.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am basically a human version of Google Maps, I can determine what direction I'm facing and I can memorize directions to any place that I have been before, even once.

Bonus Info: My focus within marine science is physical oceanography. My passion is studying physics and weather patterns on Earth and how they impact our everyday lifestyle. I am most excited to use what I learn in the real world whether it is for hurricane preparation, conservation of ocean environments, or even as you're local weather man.