Tyler Jessee

Tyler Jessee

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Name: Tyler Jessee

Hometown: Thurmont, Md.

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Intelligence and National Security 

Minor 1: Political Science

Minor 2: Islamic Studies

                                Tyler is from Thurmont, Md.

Tyler's Video

Tyler Jessee’s stature differs from the size of his hometown. The sophomore intelligence and national security student hails from Thurmont, Md., a town in the northern part of the state with approximately 6,000 people. But don’t think Tyler’s imposing size put him at odds with those he grew up with.

“It is your typical small town. It has a close-knit community feel, only two stop lights,” Tyler says, before revealing what makes Thurmont special. “It is just a very small area where everyone comes together and loves each other.”

Although Tyler went from a town of 6,000 total people to a campus of over 10,000 students, he found a place similar to Thurmont in that Coastal also boasts a supportive close-knit community. He soon realized that CCU is an environment that makes it possible to see the same smiling faces each day while also providing a deep enough student body that allows for daily new connections as well.

A supportive and familiar student body made it easy for Tyler to feel at home and become involved. In addition to his involvement with Lambda Chi Alpha, the LIFE program and University Housing, he developed a diverse academic path that has also been embraced by those around him. He is an intelligence and national security major with double minors in political science and Islamic studies. Tyler’s course work has enabled him to serve in a mock legislature, an opportunity that has allowed him to network with students from across the state. Regardless of whether these students are on our campus or another South Carolina campus, CCU has provided Tyler with connections.

“Coastal has given me many friendships and relationships that I think will last my lifetime. There are people here who have had a very positive impact on my life,” says Tyler.

Hoping to enter the intelligence field one day, Tyler wants a lifestyle complete with “family, own car, dogs, kids, the whole nine.” Describing himself as outgoing, Tyler has the social skills needed to make his personal life successful and the savvy needed to make his professional life successful. We look forward to Tyler thriving in both areas but look forward to having him back on campus for two more years.

Tyler is an intelligence major

Q&A with Tyler

How did you hear about Coastal?: I had family in Murrells Inlet and would always see the CCU campus when I came to visit. I toured the summer after my sophomore year in high school and loved the campus and the area. It was the only college I applied to because I knew it was where I wanted to be.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal for a few different reasons. I liked the location of the school, the size of the campus and student body, and was really attracted by the intelligence major offered here.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor has to be Paul Sebo, Ph.D. I had three classes with him, and really enjoyed all of them. He has so much knowledge and an insane passion for educating his students.

Favorite class: My favorite class so far has been Poli 440, which is a one credit class for the South Carolina Student Legislature. This semester is my third time taking the class. It is really cool because you get to serve in a mock legislature with students from across the state. The best part is that during the fall semester you travel to Columbia and spend three days at the South Carolina State House with delegates from other universities.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of Coastal is the size. I feel like I have met a lot of people and am able to see several people I know on campus each day, yet there are still many people I have yet to meet. It’s not too big or too small.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love that there is always something to do, even if it constantly drains my bank account.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am the president of Lambda Chi Alpha and a mentor for the LIFE program.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work as a desk assistant for University Housing.

Plans after graduation?:  After graduation, I would like to get a stable job in the intelligence field and begin real world adulting. I want to move back to my home state of Maryland into a D.C. suburb.

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy spending time with friends, dancing (unprofessionally), playing trivia, and learning about history.

Bonus Info: My mom is my role model and biggest hero!


Tyler is minoring in political science.