Veronica Xifaras-Piva

Veronica Xifaras-Piva

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Veronica Xifaras-Piva

Hometown: Mattapoisett, Mass.

Year in School: Sophomore           

Major: Communication

Minor: Marketing

Veronica is a communication student.


Veronica's Video

Veronica Xifaras-Piva says she is a very optimistic person. It makes sense. Noting that she “took a chance” by traveling 700 miles from her hometown in Massachusetts to attend Coastal, she undoubtedly had a positive outlook that her experience would turn out okay.

So far it has. Pointing out that there is simply a friendly vibe on campus, one that is different from other campuses she has visited, she has found a home at CCU. A communication student, Veronica hopes to use the versatility of her future degree to one day land a job at a public relations or marketing firm.

Recently hired as a Zumba instructor at the HTC Center, Veronica hopes to pass on to her classes not just her fitness knowledge but perhaps some of her optimism as well.


Veronica is a sophomore.
Veronica is from Massachusetts.

Q&A with Veronica

How did you hear about Coastal?: I learned about Coastal from a college fair.

Why did you come to Coastal?: A big reason was because of the weather (I didn’t want to sled to class).

Favorite professor: Professor Colin Burch

Favorite class: Journalism because it makes me think outside the box.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The networking that is possible and the fact that everyone seems to know everyone else.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: It is close to everything I need. The area has both a city feel to it along with a small town atmosphere.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I was just hired as a Zumba instructor at the HTC Center.

Plans after graduation?:  I plan to go back up north and work at the retail stores my parents own.

What are your hobbies?: I like to play volleyball, do puzzles and be crazy with my friends.

Bonus Info: I took a chance traveling far from home to attend Coastal and I love it! If only I could send my Massachusetts friends some of our great weather…