
Coastal faculty members to present learning research

January 3, 2006

Seven Coastal Carolina University faculty members will present “Symposium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” on Friday, Jan. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in the University Hall Rotunda. The event is free and open to the public.

Each of the faculty presenters will discuss research they have conducted during the past year on various topics relating to educating students.

Faculty presenting research findings at the symposium are:

• Robin Gilbert and Sara Brallier, both assistant professors of psychology/sociology; and Linda Palm, professor of psychology/sociology, “A Comparison of Learning Outcomes in Web-based and Traditional Lecture Format General Psychology and Introductory Sociology Courses”

• Sharon L. Gilman, assistant professor of biology, “Does Technology Help Students Understand Biology in a Lab Setting?”

• Maggie Ivanova, assistant professor of English and journalism, “Texts and Their Visual Contexts”

• Nils Rauhut, chair/associate professor of philosophy and religion, “How Do Students Learn in Philosophy 101 Classes?”

• Barbara A. Ritter, assistant professor of management, marketing and law, “The Effect of Ethical Instruction Modules in Business Classes on Short and Long Term Student Ethical Sensitivity and Decision Making”

• Shannon C. Stewart, assistant professor of English and journalism, “Creation of a Multifaceted Support System for Instructors of First Year Composition Students”

• Yoav Wachsman, assistant professor of accounting, finance and economics, “Motivating and Teaching by Modeling an Economy”

All the presenters received Scholarships of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) grants as part of a program developed through Coastal’s Office of the Provost designed to encourage faculty members to do research on how to best teach students so that they will learn more.

The grant program is administered through Coastal’s Center for Effective Teaching and Learning, which supports faculty members in their work as teachers.