
Board authorizes fee increases; health services to be reorganized

January 17, 2006

Coastal Carolina University’s board of trustees voted Friday to approve an increase in student health fees in order to implement an independent health services operation on campus. The board authorized a $55 per semester increase, from $70 to $125 per student.

Since 2000, health services for Coastal students have been provided through a contractual arrangement between the university and Conway Medical Center. That contract will expire at the end of the 2005-2006 academic year.

As Coastal has grown, the costs of providing medical service for an expanding student population have increased. The increased fees will help pay salaries for a full-time nursing staff, a part-time physician and operating expenses. The University Health Services will be operated from the building that now houses Coastal’s Counseling and Health Services.

Even with the increase, Coastal’s health services fee is comparable with other such fees at colleges and universities in South Carolina. The University of South Carolina’s fee is $140 per semester, and Clemson University’s is $110 per semester.

The board also approved a 4.97 percent increase in the student housing fee, from $2,010 per semester to $2,110, and a 4.72 percent increase in the meal fee, from $1,060 per semester to $1,110.

The board approved emeritus status for the following retiring faculty members:

• Wade K. Baird, distinguished professor emeritus, retiring June 2006

• Darcy R. Carr, distinguished professor emeritus, retiring June 2006

• Richard F. Dame, distinguished professor emeritus, retiring May 2006

• James F. Eason, emeritus professor, retiring June 2006

• Claudia J. McCullough, emeritus professor, retiring May 2006

• Daniel A. Selwa, emeritus professor, retiring May 2006

• Dianna Lynne Smith, emeritus professor, retiring March 2006

• Timothy J. Touzel, distinguished professor emeritus, retiring June 2006

• Philip Schneider, emeritus professor, retiring May 2006