
Conway organization hosts character training conference

January 23, 2006

The Conway City of Character Council will host a three-day character training conference Feb. 2 to 4 at the Wall College of Business. The conference, called “Character First . . . The Super Bowl of Life," will be led by Steve Menzel, director of the International Association of Character Cities, and will offer seminars on methods by which to build strong character throughout the business community and within the family unit.

The conference is designed to provide training for management personnel, to help them recognize character and encourage character growth in their employees. The conference will also focus on character building within families.

The goals of the conference include assisting participants in (1) learning to build lasting relationships, (2) learning proven principles that minimize personnel challenges, (3) recognizing character in others, (4) finding out what employees want most from their jobs, and (5) learning to encourage character growth in oneself and others.

The International Association of Character Cities (IACC), headed by conference leader Menzel, is a division of the Character Training Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to equipping businesses, schools and communities to develop good character. IACC provides resources, training, contacts and counsel to numerous leaders who are committed to character development in themselves, their families and their communities.

Menzel, a native of New Jersey, spent 12 years in the U.S. Air Force as a drill sergeant and electronics technician, and five years as an instructor at the International ALERT Academy, a Christian, military-style academy developing discipline, character and skills necessary to prepare young men to meet the needs of people in crisis. He and his family live in Edmond, Okla.

The Conway City of Character program was formed in 1999, when the Conway City Council passed a resolution to join the International Association of Character Cities (IACC), according to Scott Gallimore, director of Conway’s City of Character program.

“IACC is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting character in every sector of the community,” said Gallimore, a 2005 Coastal graduate who is also associated with Coastal’s Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values.

For information about the conference schedule, fees and registration, contact Gallimore at 843-283-6982 or