

March 20, 2001

A live worldwide teleconference on successful business leadership, “The World of Business: A New Era,” will be held via satellite at Coastal Carolina University on Thursday, April 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Coastal’s Admissions Building 003. The program is hosted by Coastal’s Division of Extended Learning and Public Services.

Led by top international business leaders, this interactive symposium is sponsored by Women.future, a multimedia information company which focuses on business leadership issues. Fee for the event is $259.

The conference will provide insights into which leadership qualities are critical for success – for both men and women – in the new world of work; leadership skills for 2001 and beyond; attracting and retaining employees in times of rapid change; marketing your products and services to the new purchase decision-maker; and using power responsibly.

Participants from around the world will interact with more than 30 world class business leaders including Tom Peters, renowned author and management guru; Betsy Holden, president of Kraft Foods; Laura Ziskin, a leading independent film producer and studio executive; Cristina Saralegui, owner of an international television empire; Marjorie Scardino, CEO of The Pearson Group in London, which owns The Financial Times; and Drew Barrymore, actress and film producer.

For more information or to register, contact Connie Lee in Coastal’s Division of Extended Learning and Public Services at 349-2736 or visit the Web site on the Internet.