
Coastal Carolina University names new grant developer

March 3, 2009

Anne Trainer Monk has been promoted to associate vice president of governmental grants at Coastal Carolina University.

In the newly-created position, Monk will identify, develop and follow up on activities related to institutional grants from governmental agencies and foundations. She will report to Executive Vice President Edgar Dyer.

"Over a number of years, Anne Monk has proven herself to be a great asset to the University in a variety of tasks," said Dyer. " I believe her talents, attitude and experience are a perfect fit for this new challenge. She moved the University's marketing and communication efforts to a higher level, and there is no doubt that she will have even greater success in this job."

Monk has served as assistant vice president for Marketing Communications at Coastal Carolina University since 2002. She has been with the University since 1989, and has also held the positions of director and assistant director of public information. She is an occasional professor of English and journalism at the University.

Monk also has been a broadcast editor at the Associated Press and the managing editor of two community newspapers in South Carolina. She earned a bachelor's degree in English from USC Coastal Carolina College in 1984 and will complete a master's degree in communications management from Syracuse University this spring.