
Students to host environmentally friendly fashion show

April 17, 2009

Coastal Carolina University students will host a Go Green. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle student fashion show at 6 p.m. on April 30 in the Wall Auditorium of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration. The show is designed to prove that fashion can be achieved while saving money and protecting the environment. The event is produced by instructor Antonel Neculai's Journalism 309-01 class, an upper level intro to public relations course, and is open to University students, faculty and staff.

Three categories of clothing will be featured: business, casual and formal. The students in the class have deconstructed donated clothes and articles from their own closets and turned them into fashion-forward garments. The models will display only outfits that are made from natural fiber and that have incorporated the "Go Green" theme to publicly testify their strong commitment to protecting the environment.

The event aims to educate students on how to apply their coursework outside of the classroom. "Planning and organizing this fashion show has enabled students to integrate theory with hands-on activities," said Neculai. Carrie Nyberg, a student participating in the project, added, "the project has provided us with experience while giving us the power to help the environment, even if we all aren't fashion designers."

For more information please contact Antonel Neculai at 843-241-2110 or visit