
Coastal Carolina University creates hot line for public safety

January 25, 2010

Coastal Carolina University has established a Tip Line that will allow students, faculty and staff to report illegal activities through a confidential e-mail and voice mail phone system. The Tip Line is part of the Silent Witness program sponsored by CCU's Department of Public Safety.

The number for both voice and text messaging is 848-349-TIPS (8477).

"Since so many of our university population are now using text messaging as a way of communication, it seems logical to provide a link between the police and the community we serve," said Lt. Scott Suttles of the University's Department of Public Safety. "With the proliferation of cell phones on campus, this messaging line will allow every student and employee the ability to be the eyes and ears of a secure community."

To advertise the new line and the overall Silent Witness Program, posters and digitized message boards have been displayed around campus with the tip line and tip text numbers.

"Many people are reluctant to call the police and become involved in a criminal complaint," said David Roper, acting director of the CCU Department of Public Safety. "However, most will call a confidential crime tip line."

For more information, call Lt. Suttles in the Department of Public Safety at 843-349-2518.