
Coastal Carolina University sets tuition, fees for 2010-2011

February 26, 2010

In anticipation of further state budget cuts as a result of the prolonged economic recession, Coastal Carolina University’s board of trustees voted on a series of cost-saving measures today at a specially called meeting.

The board directed the University administration to identify $4 million in savings in the institution’s budget and to look for new means of generating revenue. CCU President David A. DeCenzo will present his recommendations to the board for consideration at its May meeting.

A motion to close the University’s facility in Georgetown was approved. The board also voted to eliminate per diem and travel allowances for trustees.

The board approved a tuition increase of $220 for in-state students, from $4,475 to $4,695 per semester (4.91 percent). Out-of-state tuition will increase by $750 per semester, from $9,385 to $10,135 (8.0 percent).

The board also voted to increase student board or meal fees by 1.96 percent, from $1,275 to $1,300 per semester, a $25 increase for students. (The total cost of the meal plan increase is $56 per student, but the University will absorb $31 of the fee.) Housing fees will also increase. Fees for students who live in double or three-person suites will increase $50, from $2,325 to $2,375 per semester (2.15 percent). Fees for students who have private rooms will increase $55, from $2,540 to $2,595 per semester (2.17 percent).

The board approved lab fees ranging from $50 to $200 for 13 new courses.

The board approved a motion to pursue plans to build a 500-space parking lot on University Boulevard between Bill Baxley Hall and U.S. 501. The estimated cost is $800,000 to $900,000. The cost will be funded from the 1 cent sales tax.

The board also approved emeritus status for the following retiring faculty members: Jill Sessoms, Dennis Wiseman and Lee Bollinger.

Six professors were approved for promotion from associate professor to professor: Jane L. Guentzel, Stephen P. Bush, Elsa Crites, Gregory Krippel, Nils Rauhut and James L. Tully.

Fifteen professors were approved for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor with tenure: Virginia Gayle Disney, Kevin S. Godwin, Austin M. Hitt, Thomas R. Hoffman, Miglena Ivanova, Marvin Keene, Richard W. Monroe, Jason Ockert, Patricia Hardee Piver, Paul E. Richardson, Kerry A. Schwanz, Frances Terri Sinclair, Kenneth Small, Deborah Walker and Andrew Weinbach. Lisa Barboun was approved for promotion from assistant to associate professor.