
Students to mark storm drains

April 2, 2010

CCU students Lauren Greoski and Kelly Muench, stormwater education interns, have been working on a simple yet effective way to remind people that anything entering a storm drain will lead to straight to the waterways untreated. On Sunday, April 25 at 6 p.m., the two students will meet with 20 student volunteers at the Lib Jackson Student Center to mark some 50 storm drains on campus.

"This is a great way to kick off Earth Month," says Greoski, "And help the public understand how we unknowingly may be harming our environment."

Muench and Greoski have been working with the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium to implement a storm drain marking pilot program in Horry and Georgetown counties and the local municipalities. The students helped to develop custom designed, four-inch round markers made of hard plastic that they plan to glue near the storm drains with one of the two messages: "No Dumping, Drains to River" or "No Dumping, Drains to Ocean."

For more information, call Karen Fuss, environmental educator, at 843-349-4058.