
Noted artist elin o’Hara slavick to give lecture at CCU

November 5, 2010

Visual artist elin o’Hara slavick will give a lecture titled “Amnesic Piece (or After the Fact)” at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8 in the Wall Auditorium of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business at Coastal Carolina University. The event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the University’s Nancy Smith Distinguished Visitors Series. A reception will follow the talk.

She is known for multimedia work that addresses several issues such as propaganda and the morality of war. She works from military surveillance imagery, aerial photographs, battle plans and mass media sources using gouache, ink, watercolor, graphite and other media on paper to render bombed sites as bleeding, poisoned and destroyed targets.

The artist describes her work as an attempt to “record the gruesome effects of war and to expose the indiscriminate cruelty of aerial bombardment.”

She is a distinguished professor of art at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she teaches art studio, theory and practice. Her work has been exhibited internationally in such places as China, Canada, France, Italy, Scotland, England, Cuba, the Netherlands and across the United States.

For more information, contact visual arts professor Elizabeth Howie at 843-349-2750 or