
Living in Peace series focuses on Buddhism

February 17, 2012

The upcoming Living in Peace: Insights from World Religion discussion will take place at Coastal Carolina University’s Lackey Chapel on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 5 p.m. CCU professor of philosophy and religious studies Ronald Green will lecture on “Buddhism: Sustainability and Peace.”

Green will focus on how we can maintain and sustain the treasure heritage that is ours in the earth and in all beings as Buddha-nature. He will describe how Buddhism can help us rewrite the helpful ancient stories about this with modern narratives.

Green is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he received a Ph.D in Buddhist studies. His other areas of study include: East Asian religions, Buddhist scriptures, non-monastic Buddhist practices, meditation traditions and representations of Buddhism in film.

The Living in Peace: Insights from World Religions series is co-sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies and The Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values.

For more information on this event, please contact the Jackson Family Center at 843-349-2440 or visit