
Chauncey's Kids Club is launched

August 1, 2012

The Coastal Carolina University Department of Athletics has launched Chauncey's Kids Club in an effort to engage children and their families with the university's sports teams and cheerleaders, and to allow children to experience Chanticleer athletics as a fan and friend.

For a $25 annual fee per child, Chauncey's Kids Club members will receive an official member T-shirt and membership card, a ticket to one football game and one men's basketball game, free admission to baseball and women's basketball games, a birthday card from Chauncey, access to members-only contests, and invitations to exclusive events such as Chauncey appearances, autograph sessions and special tours.

Due to NCAA guidelines, only children eighth grade and under are eligible to join Chauncey's Kids Club.

Providing more activities for children and families was one of the suggestions from the "54-in-54 Initiative" that sought fan input for improving the football game day experience. While Chauncey's Kids Club activities will be held throughout the year, the club is being introduced to coincide with the start of the academic year and the 2012 football season.

For more information, call Kevin Olivett at 843-349-2268 or To join Chauncey's Kids Club, visit the Chauncey's Kids Club website or download the registration form.

For the latest information on Chanticleer athletics, visit