
Oil drilling is topic of CCU lecture

October 31, 2012

Two visiting professors will give a joint presentation titled "Leave It In the Ground: Ending the Fossil Fuel Era" on Friday, Nov. 9, at noon in the Kline Hospitality Suite of Coastal Carolina University's Brook's Stadium. The public is invited.

While many approaches to sustainable development emphasize offsetting carbon from emissions that are primarily fossil fuel-based, Thomas Princen and Jack Manno will talk about a new method of sustainable development that directly addresses the contemporary climate change issue: ending the fossil fuel era.

Princen is an associate professor at the University of Michigan, concerned with issues of social and ecological sustainability. He is also author of the book "Confronting Consumption." Manno is executive director of the Great Lakes Research Consortium and adjunct professor at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

These two award-winning environmental policy scholars will discuss a new global politics aimed at an urgent transition out of fossil fuels. Their talk will explore the dynamics of "going upstream" in terms of the environment, politics, ethics and confronting directly the possibility of choosing to leave fossil fuels in the ground. They will include a discussion of this new theoretical approach and its relation to the fields of politics and government, economics, sustainability and ecology.

Light refreshments will be served. The Kline Hospitality Suite is located in Brooks Stadium, located at 540 University Blvd. in Conway.