
Morehouse to lead ‘Telling Your Story’ workshop at CCU

November 11, 2014

Coastal Carolina University professor and historian Maggi Morehouse will lead aworkshop on "Telling Your Story" as part of the continuing "Dust, Drought and Dreams Gone Dry" series about the Dust Bowl on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 4 p.m. in the Horry County Archives Center in room 220 of Kimbel Library at Coastal Carolina University. Pre-registration is required and limited to 20 participants for this event.

Participants will learn how to construct an oral history by learning from the examples provided by an online collection from Oklahoma State University. Participants will also review the S.C. Great Depression Oral Histories archive.

Morehouse, Ph.D., is the first graduate of the African Diaspora Studies program at the University of California, Berkeley, completing her doctorate degree in 2001. At CCU, she teaches Southern History. She is the author of "Fighting in the Jim Crow Army" and "Civil War American" as well as academic journal articles. She is a former Fulbright Research Scholar posted to the University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad, where she compiled oral histories of black west Indians who participated in World War II.

The photographic exhibit about the U.S. Dust Bowl is on display in the Bryan Information Commons and Kimbel Library.

The series was developed by the American Library Association and the libraries of Oklahoma State University and Mount Holyoke College, and made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor. The exhibit also includes historical photographs of Horry County courtesy of the Horry County Museum.

The Horry County Archives Center is located in Kimbel Library at 376 University Blvd. in Conway. For more information about the event, contact Dean of Library Services Barbara Burd at 843-349-2401 or