
Tea & Ethics: a capitalism and morality discussion

January 20, 2015

The moral basis of capitalism is the discussion topic for the upcoming Tea & Ethics led by Michael Latta, associate dean of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration. The discussion will take place on Thursday, Jan. 29, at 4 p.m. in the Johnson Auditorium at Coastal Carolina University. The event is free and not ticketed.

The discussion will examine free markets and their efficiency in increasing general welfare. Latta and a faculty panel will also address how free markets can lead to crises and irrational excesses and the proper role the government needs to adopt in protecting these markets.

Tea & Ethics is sponsored by the University's Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values. The purpose of the center is to cultivate and promote awareness in the community of the importance of personal and professional integrity.

The Johnson Auditorium is located in Room 116 of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration at 119 Chanticleer Drive E., Conway.

For more information, contact the assistant director, Amber Eckersley at 843-349-4149 or at