
Watch: Waties Island Research

May 8, 2019
Christina Boyce, a graduate student at CCU, is taking measurements to survey lines along the beach at Waties Island to record elevations of the dunes.

Climate change and sea level rise are having impacts on coastlines all around the world. Coastal Carolina University is involved in a number of projects designed to assess what is happening and to help make better decisions in response to changing conditions.

We caught up with faculty and students recently on Waties Island, which is partially owned by CCU, to check on attempts to measure sediment loss and figure out where lost sand is going within the system.

May 5-11 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week. Throughout the next several days, we will spotlight efforts taken by our University to lead the charge for change in South Carolina so that all residents can be better informed and better prepared when the next storm strikes.

Watch: Winyah Bay research

Watch: CCU on the S.C. Floodwater Commission

Watch: CCU students and professors monitor the Waccamaw River