
CCU receives second Boeing grant to support area veterans through the Military to Civilian Success Program

January 24, 2020

Boeing of South Carolina has awarded Coastal Carolina University a second $80,000 grant to support the Boeing Military to Civilian Success Program in the University's E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration. The program assists service members, veterans, and their spouses with individualized training for career advancement.

"We are very thankful for Boeing's continued support of this important program," said Barbara Ritter, Ph.D., dean of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business and vice president for executive development and career services. "The Wall College of Business is proud to be part of a program that allows us to better the lives of our military-affiliated participants. More than 30 people have completed the program and have gone off to do great things, including start their own business, apply to graduate school, and obtain employment. We look forward to assisting many others in the near future."

The Boeing Military to Civilian Success Program consists of a two-hour orientation and five 1.5-hour development modules, culminating with two hours of one-on-one coaching. Participants will receive the latest information about techniques to succeed as a leader, practice the applications of techniques through case study and role play, and discuss how to transfer learned skills to the civilian workplace. Specific modules include: understanding leadership, understanding yourself; using power and influence; negotiating; performance management; and working in teams.

The program is highly individualized and includes a detailed self-assessment of one's own leadership strengths and weaknesses, the establishment of a personal development plan, and personalized coaching so veterans will be able to understand how their various skills will translate to different settings. Facilitators include experts in veterans' transition to the civilian workforce as well as experts in organizational leadership.

"One of the reasons this program is so successful is that it doesn't really build on what you have already developed through the military," said Jeremiah Hust, a 2017 CCU graduate who recently completed the Boeing Military to Civilian Success Program. "Instead, this program singles you out as an individual. It takes your strengths, your personality, and your characteristics that are positive toward a leadership role and really makes them distinctive. It helps you to understand how to use them to your benefit."

Participants who successfully complete the Boeing Military to Civilian Success Program will be awarded a certificate of completion from CCU's Executive Development program. Program graduates will have access to additional services through the University's Career Services Center.

CCU has been designated a Military-Friendly University since 2011 by G.I. Jobs Magazine. The designation recognizes the University's long record of support for military personnel and veterans. CCU also was recently designated a Purple Heart University by the Military Order of the Purple Heart, and selected as a Top Military Friendly Online College from SR Education Group. CCU's Office of Veteran Services was created on Jan. 1, 2015, to better serve the growing population of veterans and veteran's family members on campus.

Since 2010, Boeing has invested more than $37 million in nonprofit organizations across South Carolina. As a company that leads through innovation, it strives to inspire action and create opportunity to help people build better lives and communities every day. Through strategic investments, Boeing partners with organizations that are committed to making an impact and improving the quality of life for families across the state.

Visit to learn more or to apply for the program.