
CCU students participate in Model EU Conference in Brussels, Belgium

January 28, 2020

Jan. 28, 2020

Four Coastal Carolina University students and two professors of the Department of Politics traveled internationally from Jan. 7 to 12 to participate in the SUNY Model European Union program hosted by the Vesalius College in Brussels, Belgium. The Model EU simulation involved more than 20 universities from the U.S. and Europe, bringing more than 120 students together at the annual Model EU Conference.

The Model EU is an annual simulation of a European Council Summit, bringing together undergraduate students who play roles of representatives of European Union Member State delegations. Representing the Thomas W. and Robin W. Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, Josh Mallon, Marissa Morini, Morgan-McKay Hoppmann, and Eliecer Fernandez traveled with Mariam Dekanozishvili, Ph.D., and Frederick Wood, Ph.D., to represent the Republic of Lithuania in the simulation. The simulation enables students to develop skills such as policy analysis, negotiation, teambuilding, diplomacy, and cross-cultural communication through multilateral decision-making processes between EU political parties.

During this particular simulation, students discussed urgent challenges in the EU, such as European Security and Defense Policy; cybersecurity; transatlantic relations; the EU multi-annual budget; plastic recycling; and adoption of resolutions. Through this, McKay-Hoffman won the best argumentation award in her group.

"One or the most important things I learned in the Model EU was the importance of collaboration," Morgan, McKay-Hoppmann, one of the Model EU student participants. "The purpose of passing these agenda items wasn't about 'winning' or 'losing' but about accomplishing something that would help people. The Model EU helped me see how one stubborn person could slow down the entire process, but also how a team of passionate individuals could overcome differences to achieve a compromise."

In addition to participating in these daily negotiations, the CCU students experienced a unique opportunity to visit the EU Parlamentarium, the European History House, Atomium Museum, and the historic town of Bruges in Belgium. This overall experience is one of many experiential learning initiatives supported by the Edwards College.

"Model EU offers our students an opportunity to experience global diplomacy and hone their negotiation, public speaking, and leadership skills," Dekanozishvili said.

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