
CCU’s Wall College of Business Administration announces 2021-2022 professorships

September 10, 2021

The E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration at Coastal Carolina University has awarded distinguished impact awards to faculty members who exemplify excellence in teaching, research, and service. The following impact awards have been awarded for 2021-2022: The Vereen Teaching Impact Award to Leann Mischel; the Baxley Applied Impact Award to Robert Killins; and the Blanton Distinguished Research Impact Award to Hongxia Wang.

These awards were created in 2015 to annually recognize professors who have a positive impact on the University community and surrounding areas. The criteria for all three awards include publication of original research, demonstration of quality teaching, dedication to service, and appropriate professional and personal conduct; however, each award recognizes a specific area of excellence.

The Vereen Teaching Impact Award was named for the late Col. Lindsey H. Vereen, who was a member of the Coastal business faculty from 1966 to 1977. Vereen was a decorated World War II veteran who earned a master’s degree in industrial management from the University of Pittsburgh. The Vereen Teaching Impact Award recognizes overall impact in the classroom, and, in particular, faculty who demonstrate high quality teaching performance and are able to relate real-world business experiences to classroom learning.

Mischel, associate professor in the Department of Management and Decision Sciences, joined the Wall College in 2015. Mischel continually reviews her courses, making improvements to enhance the student experience. One such innovation is a method of teaching that reduces reliance on textbooks, suggesting instead that students be given information in small video bites along with quizzes and classroom exercises to ensure learning. For this idea, she took first place in the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship’s Entrepreneurship Research Idea Pitch Competition and has been invited to present the method at conferences. Mischel’s dedication to student learning is not limited to the classroom. She also works with students to create and refine their own business ideas to submit to local pitch competitions. During the professorship review period, her students entered 48 submissions to various competitions and received three top five placements, four top 10 placements, and one top 15 placement.

Mischel’s research during the professorship review period is reflective of her commitment to quality teaching. She published one pedagogical paper and designed and wrote a segment for Sage’s new online resource on entrepreneurship and innovation, which comes out this fall.

The Baxley Applied Impact Award was named for the late Col. William Baxley Jr., a longtime CCU business professor and administrator. This award acknowledges overall impact in an applied business setting, including scholarship that makes a substantial contribution to the application of sound business practices and teaching that relates applied business practices to the classroom environment.

Killins, associate professor in the Department of Finance and Economics, joined the Wall College in 2019. During the professorship review period, he published, or had accepted for publication, six peer-reviewed journal articles, including one A-level and five B-level publications. His research focusing on the area of environmental, social, and corporate governance was published in the Journal of Investing and was also highlighted in the Practical Applications series by Portfolio Management Research.

Killins consistently contributes his expertise to the Wall College, his department, and the University. As a faculty senator, he serves as member of the University Budget and Finance Committee, and he participated in a roundtable Facebook Live discussion focusing on the GameStop short squeeze. His teaching also has an applied focus, incorporating simulations, case studies, and current topics discussions about financial markets.

The Blanton Distinguished Impact Award was named in honor of the late James P. Blanton, a local businessman, conservationist, legislator, champion of education, and founder of CCU. This award rewards high quality scholarship that enhances the reputation of the college.

Wang, associate professor in the Department of Finance and Economics, joined the Wall College in 2019. During the professorship review period, she published and received publishing acceptances for seven peer-reviewed papers, including one A*-level journal and two A-level papers and one B-level paper. Her research enriches the literature on corporate governance, working capital management, corporate payout and transparency, and financial institutions studies.

Wang has also maintained exceptional teaching during the pandemic by using a variety of tools and technology to connect with her students in a synchronous environment. Her students have left positive feedback regarding her approachability and respectfulness.

Additional awards for professorships were also awarded: Jennifer Calhoun and Taylor Damonte received the Colonel Lindsey V. Vereen Endowed Business Professors award; Olajumoke Awe and Mitchell Church received the James P. and Elizabeth R. Blanton Business Professors award; Robert Burney received the AVX Marshall D. Butler Distinguished Professor of Finance; and Robert Salvino received the Ammons Professorship in Free Enterprise.