
CCU’s second annual Intel Day connects students with industry professionals

April 11, 2023
Jonathan Smith, professor and chair of CCU's Department of Intelligence and Security StudiesCCU's Intelligence Operations Command Center is a blended classroom and briefing/conference room.

The Department of Intelligence and Security Studies at Coastal Carolina University will hold its second annual Intel Day on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The daylong event is designed to provide both current and prospective intelligence and security studies majors with an opportunity to learn more about the field and network with alumni and industry professionals.

Jonathan Smith, professor and department chair, said the event offers a glimpse into authentic issues within the intelligence and security professional community.

“The event brings together industry practitioners – including CCU alumni – students, and faculty to discuss contemporary security challenges,” said Smith. “It also offers guidance for how our students can prepare for a career path in these areas. It’s a blend of practitioner insight and career advice as well as a presentation of student and faculty research.”

Guest speakers and panelists for the event include officials from national and state intelligence and security agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of State, National Security Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency. Session categories include practitioner career advice, alumni career advice, intelligence-related research panels, and current and future trends in intelligence. Intel majors will serve as moderators for the discussion panels, and several students will present their original research.

Smith noted that this event will also serve to establish and grow a CCU Senior Intelligence advisory board and an alumni organization. Robert Viperman ’79, recently appointed board chair, will offer closing remarks, and the event involves a dedicated time for students to meet one-on-one with alumni working in the field.

“I’m hoping the event provides students with additional insight to key challenges, and that at the end of the day, each student will have made some professional connections with practitioners, many of whom are alumni who have walked a mile in their shoes,” said Smith.

The event is sponsored by CCU’s Chanticleer Intelligence Brief, the CCU chapter of the International Association for Intelligence Education, and CCU’s Women in Intelligence and National Security.

For more information, contact Smith at 843-349-6573 or