
CCU students practice diplomacy in the Americas at national conference

April 24, 2023

Four Coastal Carolina University students represented the Honduran delegation to the Model Organization of American States (OAS) from April 2-7 in Washington, D.C., presenting Proposed Draft Resolutions (PDR) on topics ranging from election integrity to COVID-19 waste reduction. The students have been taking an experiential learning course this spring, preparing since January to participate in the Washington Model OAS (WMOAS) conference. Preparation included learning about the history of the OAS, its organization and committee structure, as well as the operation of the WMOAS conference, with its rules and procedures. They also learned about Honduras, to include its history, political structures, and issues in the country, in order to effectively argue the country’s position in their assigned committees.

Logan Bellos, a political science and languages and intercultural studies major, served as the head delegate on the General Committee, offering a resolution on strengthening the rights, leadership, and inclusion of peoples of African descent in the Americas.

Matthew Lewis, a political science major, served on the First Committee, proposing a resolution promoting more permanent and stricter guidelines to ensure democracies are upheld through free and fair elections.

Victor DeJesus, a middle level education major, served on the Third Committee, addressing the impact of COVID-19 on the education of children and adolescents.

Johnathan LaVecchia, a political science and languages and intercultural studies major, worked with delegates from the University of Pennsylvania (Peru) and Howard University (Guyana) on the Special Committee to propose a joint resolution on creating a comprehensive post-COVID-19 pandemic waste management plan and a strategic plan to create a pandemic environmental team.

“CCU can be proud of its students,” said Professor Richard Kilroy, Department of Political Science faculty sponsor. “They demonstrated excellent diplomatic skills in working with students from other delegations to gain signatures for their resolutions and to support others. Sometimes the debates got rather heated due to the passion delegates showed for their topics, but overall, the students were able to work well together and applaud each other’s accomplishments.”

While in Washington, D.C., the students had the opportunity to hear opening remarks from the secretary general of the “real” OAS, Luis Almagro, and meet him personally. They also visited the Honduras Embassy to meet with a consular official to discuss their PDR topics and gain further insights on the Honduran government’s positions. They visited the OAS headquarters building in Washington and toured the Art Museum of the Americas. During their free time, they sampled the many international restaurants in Washington, D.C., including a visit to Chinatown, participated in a trivia contest, and socialized with students from universities throughout the United States, Colombia, and Guyana.

This was the first time CCU has been able to participate in the actual WMOAS conference in Washington, D.C. The trip was made possible through funding provided by a QEP grant and support provided by the Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences. Two years ago, when the conference was completely online due to COVID-19, CCU students were part of a combined delegation with German students from Hochschule Koblenz.