
Computer Science program at Coastal receives accreditation

September 11, 2003

Coastal Carolina University's Department of Computer Science has received accreditation by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), a professional organization that evaluates higher education programs in science, computing, engineering and technology.

The accreditation applies to the Theoretical Option of Coastal's Computer Science program. The theoretical option is a blend of computer sciences with mathematics and the sciences.

"Accreditation will impact our students by ensuring them that we have a quality program," said Stephen Sheel, ABET coordinator, "and assist employers, who view it a mark of quality. Accreditation will aid students when they apply for graduate school."

ABET granted Coastal's computer science department accreditation based on a self-evaluation process and team visits over a yearlong period. ABET evaluators last visited the campus in October 2002 to verify the department's self-study document.

"The computer science program at Coastal Carolina University provides its students with an excellent core education, and a strong background in computer science," concluded the ABET report.

The accreditation will be applied through September 2009 and will be retroactive to Oct. 1, 2001. In receiving accreditation, Coastal joins a select company of accredited programs including those at MIT and University of California at Berkeley.

Accreditation indicates a high level of quality in educational institutions and programs. Seeking accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental process of peer review. It requires an educational institution or program to meet certain defined standards and criteria.

Approximately 230 Coastal students are majoring in computer sciences; about half that number are majoring in the theoretical option. The Department of Computer Science has 10 full-time faculty members.