Anonymous support to benefit marine science and education

Anonymous support to benefit marine science and education

CCU students majoring in marine science or education will soon benefit from two anonymous donations. A $250,000 gift has been designated for the Department of Marine Science in the Gupta College of Science, while the second gift establishes the Scholarship for Educators Advancement, which will support students pursuing graduate degrees in education in the Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences.

The marine science donation will fund student and faculty research initiatives and go toward the purchase of a boat that students will use for field experiences.

The Spadoni College donation will consist of annual cash contributions as well as a bequest from the donors’ estate. Scholarship recipients must meet the following criteria: be accepted into a Spadoni College Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, or Ph.D. program; be in good academic standing; and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Preference will be given to Horry County, S.C., residents.