MBA program recognized for diversity

MBA program recognized for diversity

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program in CCU’s E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration ranked fourth in a recent study by U.S. News & World Report of the 10 MBA programs with the highest percentage of underrepresented minorities.

At many MBA programs, students who are black, Hispanic, Native American or Pacific Islander are few and far between,” states the article by Delece Smith-Barrow accompanying the ranking in U.S. News & World Report. “Some programs, however, have a strong showing for these ethnic groups, which can lead to classroom discussions and campuses that value a variety of perspectives.”

The other universities in the ranking are Howard University (1), Clark Atlanta University (2), University of New Mexico (3), University of Miami (5), Texas Tech University (6), UNC-Greensboro (7), University of Rochester and Claremont Graduate University (tied for 8), University of St.   Thomas (10). 

Established in 2006, the MBA program at CCU has an enrollment of 75 students.