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A thank you to all of those who contributed to CeTEAL News…

After eight years of collecting your articles, tips and resources, and organizing them into the CeTEAL News, I am sad to say this is my final issue. Just before this issue went to University Marketing and Communication for editing, I found out that I will no longer be part of the CeTEAL group and will no longer be editing CeTEAL News.

I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the newsletter over the years. I appreciate the time and effort it took to write, and I appreciate your willingness to share ideas, experiences, stories, tips, and resources with your colleagues. I have learned so much from all of you.

As the University moves forward and tackles new challenges in teaching and learning, I hope you will all continue to share your knowledge and experiences with your fellow faculty and staff. Perhaps through a new CeTEAL News or through other platforms. If we can continue to support each other and share our wisdom, we will all be better for it.

I hope to see you all again soon—in person. Meanwhile, I will still be at CCU working hard to support you and my new colleagues in the Coastal Office of Online Learning, so you can still reach me at tgaskin@coastal.edu.

(If I had known it would be my last newsletter, perhaps I would have…ahhh well…too late to think on that now…)

Tracy Gaskin