Mission Statement

The Center for Teaching Excellence to Advance Learning (CeTEAL) seeks to promote a culture of excellence in teaching and learning at Coastal Carolina University by facilitating the integration of proven pedagogical techniques into the instructional process and encouraging the development of a university-wide community of reflective practitioners.

Vision Statement

To be a strength-based collaborative group of faculty developers who provide an inclusive, safe space and a dynamic center to engage, inspire and motivate all faculty to innovate in teaching, research and service.


CeTEAL will:

  • Support effective teaching by providing research-based faculty development sessions, consultations, instructional coaching and resources.
  • Support the development of quality face-to-face, hybrid and online classes through instructional design consultations.
  • Provide an inclusive, collaborative environment that encourages the sharing of ideas and innovations.
  • Research and share best practices in the use of emerging instructional technology tools.
  • Recognize faculty success in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service.
  • Provide a highly-qualified professional staff who maintain current knowledge in the fields of teaching and learning, instructional design, and instructional technology using the scholar-practitioner model.
  • As faculty developers in higher education, adhere to the Ethical Guidelines for Educational Developers as defined by the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education.

CeTEAL Values upper-left corner, Ceteal Logo upper-right corner, CeTEAL Values, six-sided shape in middle with arrows pointing out
Arrows represent Service to Faculty deep red; Community, light green; Teaching Effectiveness, light blue; Evidence-Based Practice, gray; Inclusiveness, burnt orange; and Confidentiality, raspberry;

CeTEAL Values Statement

Service to Faculty
  • We value service that is responsive, kind and effective. We use a strength-based approach to serve those in teaching roles across the university, and we work with all faculty—from new faculty to veteran faculty, from graduate assistants to full professors. Our services allow for growth in teaching practice at any point in a career. We provide a non-judgmental, supportive approach in our service to faculty.
Teaching Effectiveness
  • We value a climate and culture that promotes student learning and engagement. As faculty developers, we are dedicated to helping faculty improve the craft of teaching, so our students can excel in learning. We want to see our faculty and students to be successful.  
Evidence-Based Practice
  • We value teaching that employs best-practice strategies and innovative ideas grounded in a thorough knowledge of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) research and signature pedagogies. As faculty developers, we strive to advance our current knowledge and practice in support of teaching and learning through our own reflective practice.
  • We strive to provide an environment where all feel welcome and safe. We honor the varied experiences and backgrounds that faculty bring to our Center. We value teaching strategies that address the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds and abilities. Such strategies will facilitate a learning environment where CCU community members feel valued.
  • We value the relationships and trust we share with the faculty we serve. We recognize that confidentiality must be a cornerstone of our Center in order to build and maintain that trust. We value each interaction we have with faculty, and we offer support, constructive feedback and advice in a confidential environment.
  • We value shared knowledge, and we understand that, as a community, we can be more successful than if we stand alone. As members of the CCU community, we value collaboration with many departments across campus to develop quality programs for faculty. As a faculty development center, we offer opportunities for collaborative learning through our programs, institutes and sessions.